On September 30, 2022, the coPIs held a Zoom meeting. Here we share the six presentations (in PDF format) shown and discussed at the meeting.
- Opening remarks and UCD results (Jorge Dubcovsky, UCD)
- Advances of the educational component of the WheatCAP (Amanda Peters Haugrud, USDA-ARS)
- Small Grains Genotyping Labs (Gina Brown-Guedira, NCSU, USDA-ARS)
- WheatCAP Genomic Resources (Eduard Akhunov, KSU)
- Results of the WheatCAP’s Graduate Student Survey (Amanda Peters Haugrud, USDA-ARS)
- T3 status (Jean-Luc Jannink, USDA,REE,ARS,NAA)
- UAV high-throughput Phenotyping Summary (Amir Ibrahim, TAMU)