co-PI: Eric Olson (eolson@msu.edu)

PhD student: John Turkus
A BC2-derived population of 407 RILs sampling the D genomes of seven diverse Aegilops tauschii accessions was yield tested in seven locations across US winter wheat growing regions in 2015 and 2016. In addition to several large effect QTL from the hexaploid wheat parent, KS05HW14, a large effect QTL was identified on chromosome 2DL contributed by Ae. tauschii. accession TA1615. This QTL is responsible for nine percent of the variation for grain yield (H2 = 0.58) in Michigan (R2=0.087) and increases grain yield by four to six bushels. The QTL is located in the distal region of 2DL from 637-640Mb. An additional Ae. tauschii-derived QTL was identified in 7DS and is the focus of Sunish Sehgal at SDSU. Other highly significant QTL from the recurrent parent were identified on chromosomes 1DL, 2DS and 6DL.
Heterozygous inbred families (HIFs) are in development for cloning of the Ae. tauschii QTL. These genes underlying grain yield represent untapped genetic variation that will be useful for increasing grain yield in wheat. Cloning of both the 2DL and 7DS QTL will be carried out collaboratively with Sunish Sehgal at SDSU. PhD student John Turkus will be working on the project at MSU.