Cumulative List of Publications 2017-2024

Publications acknowledging WheatCAP support

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2017 publications

(60 publications, 318 cross citations in first two years)

  1. Addison, C.K., R.E. Mason, G. Brown-Guedira, M. Guedira, Y. Hao, D.L Lozada, A.M. Acuna, N.A. Arguello, N. Subramanian, J. Johnson, A.M.H. Ibrahim, R. Sutton, S.A. Harrison.  2016. QTL and major genes associated with grain yield in soft red winter wheat adapted to the southern United States. Euphytica. 209: 665-677.
  2. Arruda, M.P., P. Brown, G. Brown-Guedira, A.M. Krill, C. Thurber, K.R. Merrill, B.J.  Foresman, F.L. Kolb. 2016.  Genome-wide association mapping of Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat using genotyping-by-sequencing. Plant Genome 9(1) doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2015.04.0028
  3. Assanga, S.O., M. Fuentealba, G. Zhang, C. Tan, S. Dhakal, J.C. Rudd, A.M.H. Ibrahim, Q Xue, S.D. Haley, J. Chen, S. Chao, J. Baker, K. Jessup, S.Y. Liu. 2017. Mapping of quantitative trait loci for grain yield and its components in a US popular winter wheat TAM 111 using 90K SNPs. PLOS ONE 12: e0189669
  4. Assanga, S.O., G. Zhang, C.-T. Tan, , J.C. Rudd, A. Ibrahim, Q. Xue, S. Chao, M.P. Fuentealba, S.Y. Liu.  2016. Saturated genetic map of wheat streak mosaic virus resistance gene wsm2 in wheat. Crop Sci. 57:332-339.
  5. Babiker, E.M., T.C. Gordon, S. Chao, M.N. Rouse, R. Wanyera, M. Newcomb, G. Brown-Guedira, Z.A. Pretorius, J.M. Bonman. 2016. Genetic mapping of resistance to the Ug99 race group of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in a spring wheat landrace CItr 4311. Theor Appl Genet 2016:1-10.
  6. Babiker, E.M., T.C. Gordon, S. Chao, M.N. Rouse, R. Wanyera, M. Acevedo, G. Brown-Guedira, M. Bonman. 2016. Molecular mapping of stem rust resistance loci effective against the Ug99 race group of the stem rust pathogen and validation of a single nucleotide polymorphism marker linked to stem rust resistance gene Sr28. Phytopathology 107:208-215.
  7. Babiker, E.M., T.C. Gordon, J.M. Bonman, S. Chao, M.N. Rouse, G. Brown-Guedira, S. Williamson, Z.A. Pretorius.  2016. Rapid identification of resistance loci effective against Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici race TTKSK in 33 spring wheat landraces. Plant Dis. 1002: 331-336.
  8. Carter A.H., S.S. Jones, K.A. Balow, G.B. Shelton, A. Burke, S.R. Lyon, R.W. Higginbotham, X.M. Chen, D.A. Engle, T.D. Murray, C.F. Morris. 2017. Registration of ‘Jasper’ soft white winter wheat. J. Plant Reg. 10.3198/jpr2016.09.0051crc.
  9. Carter A.H., S.S. Jones, S.R. Lyon, K.A. Balow, G.B. Shelton, A. Burke, R.W. Higginbotham, X.M. Chen, D.A. Engle, C.F. Morris. 2017. Registration of ‘Sequoia’ hard red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 10.3198/jpr2016.09.0052crc.
  10. Carter A.H., K.K. Kidwell, A. Burke, G.B. Shelton, R.W. Higginbotham, V. DeMacon, M.J. Lewien, X.M. Chen, D.A. Engle, C.F. Morris. 2017. Registration of ‘Earl’ hard white winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 11:275-280.
  11. Cai J., S. Wang, T Li, G. Bai. 2016. Multiple minor QTLs are responsible for Fusarium head blight resistance in Chinese wheat landrace Haiyanzhong. PloS ONE 11:e0163292
  12. Chao, S., M.N. Rouse, M. Acevedo, A. Szabo-Hever, H. Bockelman, J.M. Bonman, E. Elias, D. Klindworth, and S. Xu. 2017. Evaluation of genetic diversity and host resistance to stem rust in USDA NSGC durum wheat accessions. Plant Genome 10. doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2016.07.0071
  13. Chen, J., M. J. Guttieri, J. Zhang, D. Hole, E. Souza, B. Goates. 2016. A novel QTL associated with dwarf bunt resistance in Idaho 444 winter wheat. Theor Appl Genet. 129: 2313-2322.
  14. Chen, J., J. Wheeler, N. Klassen, W. Zhao, K. O’Brien, C. Jackson, J. M. Marshall, X.M. Chen. 2017. Release of ‘UI Sparrow’ soft white winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registration, 12: 79-84.
  15. Cook, J. P., N. K. Blake, H. Y. Heo, J. M. Martin, D. K. Weaver, and L. E. Talbert. 2017. Phenotypic and haplotype diversity among tetraploid and hexaploid wheat accessions with potentially novel insect resistance genes for wheat stem sawfly. Plant Genome 10. doi:10.3835/plantgenome2016.03.0026.
  16. Dong, Z, J. Zhang, J. M. Hegarty, W. Zhang, S. Chao, X. Chen, Y. Zhou, and J. Dubcovsky. 2017. Validation and characterization of a QTL for adult plant resistance to stripe rust on wheat chromosome arm 6BS (Yr78). Theor. Appl. Genet. 130:2127–2137.
  17. Fang, T., B.F. Carver, R.M. Hunger, L. Yan. 2017. Mis-spliced Lr34 transcript events in winter wheat. PLoS ONE 12:e0171149.
  18. Gao, L., M.N. Rouse, P. Mihalyov, P. Bulli, M. Pumphrey, J.A. Anderson.  2017.  Genetic characterization of stem rust resistance in a global spring wheat germplasm collection. Crop Science. 57:2575-2589.
  19. Guedira, M., M. Xiong, Y.F. Hao, J. Johnson, S. Harrison, D. Marshall, G. Brown-Guedira. 2016. Heading date QTL in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) coincide with major developmental genes VERNALIZATION1 and PHOTOPERIOD1. PLoS ONE, 11: e0154242.
  20. Guttieri, M.J., K. Frels, T. Regassa, B.M. Waters, P.S. Baenziger. 2017. Variation for nitrogen use efficiency traits in current and historical Great Plains hard winter wheat.  Euphytica 213:87. doi:10.1007/s10681-017-1869-5.
  21. Haley S.D., J.J. Johnson, F.B. Peairs, J.A. Stromberger, E.E. Hudson-Arns, S.A. Seifert, V.A. Anderson, G. Bai, X. Chen, R.L. Bowden, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer, M. Chen, and B.W. Seabourn. 2017. Registration of ‘Sunshine’ Hard White Winter Wheat. J. Plant Reg. doi:10.3198/jpr2016.12.0075crc.
  22. Jernigan, K.L., C. F. Morris, R. Zemetra, J. Chen, K. Garland-Campbell, A.H. Carter. 2017. Genetic analysis of soft white wheat end-use quality traits in a club by common wheat cross. Journal of Cereal Science. 76:148-156
  23. Kidwell, K.K, M. O. Pumphrey, J. S. Kuehner, G. B. Shelton, V. L. DeMacon, S. Rynearson, X. M. Chen, S. O. Guy, D. A. Engle, B.-K. Baik, C. F. Morris, and N. A. Bosque-Pérez. 2017.  Registration of ‘Glee” Hard Red Spring Wheat.  Journal of Plant Registrations 12:60-65.
  24. Kissing Kucek, L., E. Dyck, J. Russell, E. Clark, J. Hamelman, S. Burns-Leader, S. Senders, J. Jones, D. Benscher, M. Davis, G. Roth, S. Zwinger, M.E. Sorrells, J.C. Dawson. 2017. Evaluation of wheat and emmer varieties for artisanal baking, pasta making, and sensory quality. J. Cereal Science, 74:19-27.
  25. Krasileva, K.V., H. Vasquez-Gross, T. Howell1, P. Bailey, F. Paraiso, L. Clissold, J. Simmonds, R. H. Ramirez-Gonzalez, X. Wang, P. Borrill, C. Fosker, S. Ayling, A. Phillips, C. Uauy, J. Dubcovsky. 2017. Uncovering hidden variation in polyploid wheat. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114: E913–E921.
  26. Kruse, E.B., S.W. Carle, N. Wen, D.Z. Skinner, T.D. Murray, K.A. Garland-Campbell, A.H. Carter. 2017. Genomic regions associated with tolerance to freezing stress and snow mold in winter wheat. G3 7: 775-780 Early Online Published January 30, 2017.
  27. Lan, C., I. Lowe Hale, S. Herrera, B. R. Basnet, M. Randhawa, J.H. Espino, J. Dubcovsky, R.P. Singh. 2017. Characterization and mapping of leaf rust and stripe rust resistance loci in hexaploid wheat lines UC1110 and PI610750 under Mexican environments. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 8:1450
  28. Liang, X., Y. Liu, J. Chen, and C. Adams. 2017. Late-season photosynthetic rate and senescence were associated with grain yield in winter wheat of diverse origins. J. Agro Crop Sci. DOI: 10.1111/jac.12231.
  29. Li C-L., G. Bai, B. F. Carver, S. Chao and Z. Wang. 2016. Single nucleotide polymorphisms linked to quantitative trait loci for grain quality traits in wheat. The Crop J. 4:1–11.
  30. Li, C., Li, C., Carver, B. F., Bowden, R., Su, Z., Wang, Z., Bai, G. 2017. Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Leaf Rust Resistance in the Wheat Population Ning7840 × Clark. Plant Dis.
  31. Lin M., D. Zhang, S. Liu, G. Zhang, J. Yu, A. K. F. and G. Bai.  2016. Genome-wide association analysis on pre-harvest sprouting resistance and grain color in U.S. winter wheat. BMC Genomics 17:794
  32. Liu, Y., J.Zhang, Y. Hu, and J. Chen. 2017. Dwarfing genes Rht4 and Rht-B1b affect plant height, agronomic traits, and kernel quality traits in common wheat under two water regimes. Field Crops Research 204: 242-248.
  33. Liu, Y., B.C. Bowman, Y. Hu, X. Liang, W. Zhao, J. Wheeler, N. Klassen, H. Bockelman, J. M. Bonman, J. Chen. 2017. Evaluation of agronomic traits and drought tolerance of winter wheat accessions from the National Small Grain Collection. Agronomy. 7(51) doi:10.3390/agronomy7030051.
  34. Liu, M., L. Lei, C. Powers, Z. Liu, K.G. Campbell, X. Chen, R.L. Bowden, B.F Carver, L. Yan. 2016. TaXA21-A1 on chromosome 5AL is associated with resistance to multiple pests in wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 129:345-355.
  35. Liu, N, G. Bai, M. Lin, X.Y. Xu, W.M. Zheng. 2017. Genome-wide association analysis of powdery mildew resistance in U.S. winter wheat. Sci Rep. 7: 11743.
  36. Lozada, D.N., R.E. Mason, M.D.A. Babar, B.F. Carver, G. Brown-Guedira, K. Merrill, M.N. Arguello, A. Acuna, L. Vieira, A. Holder, C.K. Addison, D.E. Moon, R.G. Miller, and S. Dreisigacker. 2017. Association mapping reveals loci associated with multiple traits that affect grain yield and adaptation in soft winter wheat. Euphytica. 213: 222.
  37. Lu, Y., Bowden, R. L., Zhang, G., Xu, X., Fritz, A. K., Bai, G.. 2017. Quantitative trait loci for slow-rusting resistance to leaf rust in doubled haploid wheat population CI13227 x Lakin. Phytopathology 107:1372-1380.
  38. Mason, R.E., Addison C.K., Babar M.D.A, Acuna, A., Lozada, D.N., Subramanian, N., Arguello, M.N., Miller, R.G., Brown-Guedira, G., Guedira, M., Johnson, J.W. 2017. Diagnostic markers for vernalization and photoperiod loci improve genomic selection for grain yield and spectral reflectance in wheat. Crop Science. 58:242-252.
  39. Mihalyov, P.D., V.A. Nichols, P. Bulli, M.N. Rouse, M.O. Pumphrey. 2017. Multi-locus mixed model analysis of stem rust resistance in winter wheat. The Plant Genome. 10(2). doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2017.01.0001.
  40. Muleta, K.T., M.N. Rouse, S. Rynearson, X. Chen, B. G. Buta, and M.O. Pumphrey.  2017.  Characterization of molecular diversity and genome-wide mapping of loci associated with resistance to stripe rust and stem rust in Ethiopian bread wheat accessions.  BMC Plant Biology. 17, 13
  41. Muleta, K.T., P. Bulli, S. Rynearson, X. Chen, and M. Pumphrey.  2017.  Loci Associated with Resistance to Stripe Rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) in a core collection of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum).  Plos One. 12(6): e0179087.
  42. Muleta, K.T., P. Bulli, Z. Zhang, X. Chen, and M. Pumphrey. 2017. Unlocking diversity in germplasm collections by genomic selection: a case study based on quantitative adult plant resistance to stripe rust in spring wheat.  The Plant Genome. 10(3) doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2016.12.0124
  43. Nirmala, J., J. Saini, M. Newcomb, P. Olivera, S. Gale, D. Klindworth, E. Elias, L. Talbert, S. Chao, J. Faris, S. Xu, Y. Jin, and M.N. Rouse.  2017.  Discovery of a novel stem rust resistance allele in durum wheat that exhibits differential reactions to Ug99 isolates. G3. 7: 3481-3490.
  44. Pour, H.A., M.R. Bihamta, V. Mohammadi, S.A. Peyghambari, G.H. Bai and G.R. Zhang. 2017. Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) revealed molecular genetic diversity of Iranian wheat landraces and cultivars. Front. Plant Sci. 8:1293.
  45. Sallam, A.H., P. Tyagi, G. Brown-Guedira, G. Muehlbauer, A. Hulse, B.J. Steffenson. 2017. Genome-wide association mapping of stem rust resistance in Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics: g3-300222.
  46. Schönhofen, A., X. Zhang, and J. Dubcovsky. 2017. Combined mutations in five wheat Starch Branching Enzyme II genes increase resistant starch but affect grain yield and bread-making quality. Journal of Cereal Science 75: 165-174.
  47. Shi F., J. Tibbits, R.K. Pasam, P. Kay, D. Wong, J. Petkowski, K.L. Forrest, B.J. Hayes, A. Akhunova, J. Davies, S. Webb, G.C. Spangenberg, E. Akhunov, M.J. Hayden, H.D. Daetwyler. 2017. Exome sequence genotype imputation in globally diverse hexaploid wheat accessions. Theor Appl Genet. 130:1393-1404.
  48. Su Z., S. Jin, Y. Lu, G. Zhang, S. Chao, G. Bai. 2016. Single nucleotide polymorphism tightly linked to a major QTL on chromosome 7A for both kernel length and kernel weight in wheat. Mol Breed. 36:15
  49. Subramanian, N., R.E. Mason, E.A. Milus, D.E. Moon, G. Brown-Guedira. 2016. Characterization of two adult-plant stripe rust resistance genes on chromosomes 3BS and 4BL in soft red winter wheat. Crop Science 56:143-153
  50. Tan, C.-T, S.O. Assanga, G. Zhang, J.C. Rudd, S. Haley, Q. Xue, A. Ibrahim, G. Bai, X. Zhang, P. Byrne, M.P. Fuentealba, S.Y. Liu. 2017. Development and validation of KASP SNP markers for wheat streak mosaic virus resistance gene Wsm2. Crop Sci. 57:340-349.
  51. Tan, C.-T., H. Yu, Y. Yang, X. Xu, M. Chen, J.C. Rudd, Q. Xue, A. Ibrahim, L. Garza, S. Wang, M.E. Sorrells, S.Y. Liu. 2017. Development and validation of KASP markers for the greenbug resistance gene Gb7 and the Hessian fly resistance gene H32 in wheat. Theor Appl Genet: 1-18.
  52. Turner, M.K., J.A. Kolmer, M.O. Pumphrey, P. Bulli, S. Chao, and J.A. Anderson. 2017. Association mapping of leaf rust resistance loci in a spring wheat core collection. Theor . Appl. Genet. 130:345–361.
  53. Uauy, C., B.B.H. Wulff, and J. Dubcovsky. 2017. Combining traditional mutagenesis with new high-throughput sequencing and genome editing to reveal hidden variation in polyploid wheat. Annu. Rev. Genet. 51: 435–454.
  54. Varella, A. C., D. K. Weaver, J. P. Cook, N. K. Blake, M. L. Hofland, P. F. Lamb, L. E. Talbert.  2017.  Characterization of resistance to the wheat stem sawfly in spring wheat landrace accessions from targeted geographic regions of the world.  Euphytica 213:153.
  55. Varella, A., D. Weaver, R. Peterson, J.  Sherman, M. Hofland, N. Blake, J. Martin, L. Talbert. 2017.  Host plant quantitative trait loci affect specific sequences in oviposition by a stem-mining insect.  Theor. Appl. Genet. 130:187-197.
  56. Veenstra, L.D., J-L. Jannink, M.E. Sorrells. 2017. Wheat fructans: a potential breeding target for nutritionally improved, climate resilient varieties. Crop Science 57:1624–1640.
  57. Wang, R., J. Chen, J. Zhang, W. Zhao, J. Wheeler, N. Klassen, J.A. Anderson, D.R. See and Y. Dong. 2017. Genome-wide association mapping of fusarium head blight resistance in spring wheat lines developed in the Pacific Northwest and CIMMYT. Phytopathology 107: 1486-1495.
  58. Yu, L-X, S. Chao, R.P. Singh and M.E. Sorrells. 2017. Identification and Validation of Single Nucleotide Polymorphic Markers Linked to Ug99 Stem Rust Resistance in Spring Wheat. PLOS ONE. 12: e0171963.
  59. Zhang, W., S. Chen, Z. Abate, J. Nirmala, M. Rouse, and J. Dubcovsky. 2017. Identification and characterization of Sr13, a tetraploid wheat gene that confers resistance to the Ug99 stem rust race group. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.  114: E9483–E9492.
  60. Zhou, Y., B. Conway, D. Miller, D. Marshall, A. Cooper, P. Murphy, S. Chao, G. Brown-Guedira and J. Costa.  2017. Quantitative trait loci mapping for spike characteristics in hexaploid wheat. Plant Genome. 10. doi:10.3835/plantgenome2016.10.0101

2018 Publications

(46 publications)

  1. Anderson, J.A., J.J. Wiersma, G.L. Linkert, S. Reynolds, J.A. Kolmer, Y. Jin, M. Rouse, R. Dill-Macky, G.A. Hareland, and J.-B. Ohm. 2018. Registration of ‘Norden’ hard red spring wheat. J. Plant Registrations. 12:90–96.
  2. Anderson, J.A., J.J. Wiersma, G.L. Linkert, S. Reynolds, J.A. Kolmer, Y. Jin, M. Rouse, R. Dill-Macky, G.A. Hareland, and J.-B. Ohm. 2018. Registration of ‘Linkert’ spring wheat with good straw strength and adult plant resistance to the Ug99 family of stem rust races. J. Plant Registrations 12:208–214.
  3. Anderson, J.A., J.J. Wiersma, G.L. Linkert, S. Reynolds, J.A. Kolmer, Y. Jin, M. Rouse, R. Dill-Macky, G.A. Hareland, and J.-B. Ohm. 2018. Registration of ‘Bolles’ hard red spring wheat with high grain protein concentration and superior baking quality. J. Plant Registrations 12:215-221.
  4. Ando, K., S. Rynearson, K. T. Muleta, J. Gedamu, B, Girma, N. Bosque-Pérez, M. S. Chen, M. O. Pumphrey.  2018.  Genome-Wide Associations for Multiple Pest Resistances in a Northwestern United States Elite Spring Wheat Panel.  Plos One 13: e0191305.   
  5. Ayana GT, Ali S, Sidhu JS, Gonzalez Hernandez JL, Turnipseed B and Sehgal SK (2018) Genome-wide association study for spot blotch resistance in hard winter wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 9:926. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00926.
  6. Bai, G., Z. Su, J. Cai. 2018. Wheat resistance to fusarium head blight. Can J. Plant Pathol
  7. Belamkar, V, M.J. Guttieri, W. Hussain, D. Jarquín, I. El-basyoni, J. Poland, A. J. Lorenz, P.S. Baenziger.  2018.  Genomic Selection in Preliminary Yield Trials in a Winter Wheat Breeding Program.  G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 8:2735. doi:10.1534/g3.118.200415
  8. Blake, N. K., A. C. Varella, B. Bicego, J. M. Martin, J. P. Cook, H.-Y. Heo, R. Acharya, J. D. Sherman, D. Nash, L. E. Talbert.  2018.  Maturity traits related to climate adaptation affect quality characteristics in hard red spring wheat.  Crop Sci. 58:1954-1963.
  9. Case, A.J., S. Bhavani, G. Macharia, Z. Pretorius, V. Coetzee, F. Kloppers, P. Tyagi, G. Brown-Guedira, B.J.  Steffenson. 2018.  Mapping adult plant stem rust resistance in barley accessions Hietpas 5 and GAW 79. Theor Appl Genet.
  10. Chen, S., Y. Guo, J. Briggs, F. Dubach, S. Chao, W. Zhang, M.N. Rouse, J. Dubcovsky. 2018. Mapping and characterization of wheat stem rust resistance genes SrTm5 and Sr60 from Triticum monococcum Theor. Appl. Genet. 131: 625-635.
  11. Chen, S., W. Zhang, S. Bolus, M.N. Rouse, J. Dubcovsky. 2018. Identification and characterization of wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr21 effective against the Ug99 race group. PLOS Genetics. 14: e1007287.
  12. Cook, J.; Heo, H.-Y. Varella, A., Lanning, S., Blake, N, Sherman, J. D, Martin, J., See, D. R, Chao, S., L. Talbert.  2018.  Evaluation of a QTL mapping population comprised of hard red spring and winter wheat alleles using various marker platforms.  Crop Sci. 58:701-712.
  13. Dong H, R. Wang, Y. Yuan, J. Anderson, M. Pumphrey, Z. Zhang, J. Chen. 2018. Evaluation of the potential for genomic selection to improve spring wheat resistance to Fusarium head blight in the Pacific Northwest. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9: 911.
  14. Edae, E. A., M.O. Pumphrey, and M.N. Rouse. 2018. A genome-wide association study of field and seedling response to individual stem rust pathogen races reveals combinations of race-specific genes in North American spring wheat.  Frontiers in Plant Science 9:52.
  15. Elbasyoni I.S., A.J. Lorenz, M. Guttieri, K. Frels, P.S. Baenziger, J. Poland, E. Akhunov. 2018. A comparison between genotyping-by-sequencing and array-based scoring of SNPs for genomic prediction accuracy in winter wheat. Plant Sci. 270:123-130.
  16. El-Feki, W.M., P.F. Byrne, S.D. Reid, and S.D. Haley. 2018. Mapping quantitative trait loci for agronomic traits in winter wheat under different soil moisture levels. Agronomy 8: 133.
  17. Frels, K., M. Guttieri, B. Joyce, B. Leavitt, P.S. Baenziger. 2018. Evaluating canopy spectral reflectance indices to estimate nitrogen use traits in hard winter wheat. Field Crops Research 217:82. DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2017.12.004
  18. Gardiner, L.-J., T. Brabbs, A. Akhunova, K. Jordan, H. Budak, T. Richmond, S. Singh, L. Catchpole, E. Akhunov, A. Hall.  2018.  Integrating genomic resources to present full gene and promoter capture probe sets for bread wheat.  bioRxiv. 363663.
  19. Gizaw, S.A., J.G.V. Godoy, K. Garland-Campbell, A.H. Carter. 2018. Using spectral reflectance as proxy phenotypes for genome-wide association studies of yield and yield stability in Pacific Northwest winter wheat. Crop Science 58:1232-1241.
  20. Godoy, J., S. Rynearson, X. Chen, M. Pumphrey.  2018.  Genome-wide association mapping of loci for resistance to stripe rust in North American elite spring wheat germplasm. Phytopathology. 108:234-24.
  21. Haixiao, D., R. Wang, Y. Yuan, J. Anderson, M.O. Pumphrey, Z. Zhang, J. Chen. 2018.  Evaluation of the potential for genomic selection to improve spring wheat resistance to Fusarium head blight in the Pacific Northwest. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:911. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00911
  22. Haley, S.D., J.J. Johnson, F.B. Peairs, J.A. Stromberger, E.E. Hudson-Arns, S.A. Seifert, V.A. Anderson, J.B. Rudolph, G. Bai, X. Chen, R.L. Bowden, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer, M.-S. Chen, and B.W. Seabourn. 2018. Registration of ‘Langin’ Hard Red Winter Wheat. J. Plant Reg. 12:232–236d
  23. Haley, S.D., J.J. Johnson, F.B. Peairs, J.A. Stromberger, E.E. Hudson-Arns, S.A. Seifert, V.A. Anderson, J.B. Rudolph, G. Bai, X. Chen, R.L. Bowden, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer, M.-S. Chen, and B.W. Seabourn. 2018. Registration of Avery wheat. J. Plant Reg. doi:10.3198/jpr2017.11.0080crc.
  24. Hao, Q., W. Wang, X. Han, J. Wu, B. Lyu, F. Chen, A. Caplan, C. Li, J. Wu, W. Wang, Q. Xu, D. Fu. 2018. Isochorismate-based salicylic acid biosynthesis confers basal resistance to Fusarium graminearum in barley. Molecular Plant Pathology: 19: 1995–2010.
  25. Hegarty, J.M., I.A. del Blanco, L. Gallagher, J. Dubcovsky. 2018. Registration of ‘UC Tahoe’, a California adapted two-rowed spring barley for craft-scale malting. Journal of Plant Registration 12:163–167.
  26. Heo, H.-Y., N. K. Blake, S. P. Lanning, P. F. Lamb, D. Nash, D. M. Wichman, K. D. Kephart, R. N. Stougaard, J. H. Miller,  G. V. P. Reddy, J. L. Eckhoff, C. Chen,  F. Menalled, E. Davis, and L. E. Talbert.  2018.  Registration of NS Presser CLP wheat.  J. Plant Reg12:70-73.
  27. Huang, M., N. Mheni, G. Brown-Guedira, A. McKendry, C. Griffey, D. Van Sanford, J. Costa, C Sneller. 2018. Genetic analysis of heading date in winter and spring wheat. Euphytica, 214: 128.
  28. Jordan, K.J., S.Wang, F. He, S. Chao, Y. Lun, E. Paux, P. Sourdille, J. Sherman, A. Akhunova, N. K. Blake, M.O. Pumphrey, K. Glover, J. Dubcovsky, L. Talbert, E. Akhunov. 2018. The genetic architecture of genome-wide recombination rate variation in allopolyploid wheat revealed by nested association mapping Plant J. 95: 1039–1054.
  29. Kippes, N., M. Guedira, L. Lin, G.L. Brown-Guedira and J. Dubcovsky. 2018.  Single nucleotide polymorphisms in a regulatory site of VRN-A1 first intron are associated with differences in vernalization requirement in winter wheat. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 293:1231-1243.
  30. Kidwell, K.K, J. S. Kuehner, G.B. Shelton, V.L. DeMacon, S. Rynearson, X.M. Chen, S. O. Guy, J.M. Marshall, D.A. Engle, C.F. Morris, and M.O. Pumphrey. 2018.   Registration of ‘Dayn” Hard White Spring Wheat. J. Plant Registrations 12:222-227.
  31. Lei, L, G. Li, H. Zhang, C. Powers, T. Fang, Y. Chen, X. Zhu, B. Carver, L. Yan*. 2018. Nitrogen use efficiency was regulated by interacting proteins relevant to development in wheat. Plant Biotechnol J. 16: 1214-1226.
  32. Liu M, L. Lei, F. Miao, C. Powers, X. Zhang, J. Deng, M. Tadege, B.F. Carver, L. Yan. 2018. The STENOFOLIA gene from Medicago alters leaf width, flowering time and chlorophyll content in transgenic wheat. Plant Biotechnol J. 16:186-196. 
  33. Liu W., Y. Naruoka, K. Miller, K. Garland-Campbell, A.H. Carter. 2018. Characterizing and validating stripe rust resistance loci in US Pacific Northwest winter wheat accessions (Triticum aestivum L.) by genome-wide association and linkage mapping. The Plant Genome 11:170087.
  34. Liu, Y., R. Wang, Y. Hu, and J. Chen. 2018. Genome-wide linkage mapping of quantitative trait loci for late-season physiological and agronomic traits in spring wheat under irrigated conditions. Agronomy 8: 60 doi:10.3390/agronomy8050060.
  35. Lozada, D.N., Mason, R.E., Sukumaran, S., Dreisigacker, S. 2018 Validation of grain yield QTL from soft winter wheat using a CIMMYT spring wheat panel. Crop Science. doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.04.0232
  36. Mason, R.E., J.W. Johnson, M. Mergoum, R.G. Miller, D.E. Moon, J. Carlin, S.A. Harrison, M.A. Babar, P. Murphy, A.M.H. Ibrahim, R. Sutton, and A.R. Blount. 2018. AR11LE24 is a soft red winter wheat adapted to the mid-south region of the United States. Journal of Plant Registrations 12. 357-361
  37. Mo, J., T. Howell, H. Vasquez-Gross, L.A. de Haro, J. Dubcovsky, S. Pearce. 2018. Mapping causal mutations by exome sequencing in a wheat TILLING population: a tall mutant case study. Mol. Genet. Genom. 293: 463-477.
  38. Mo, Y., L.S. Vanzetti, I. Hale3, E.J. Spagnolo, F. Guidobaldi, J. Al-Oboudi, N. Odle, S. Pearce, M. Helguera, J. Dubcovsky. 2018. Identification and characterization of Rht25, a locus on chromosome arm 6AS affecting wheat plant height, heading time, and spike development. Theor Appl Genet doi: 10.1007/s00122-018-3130-6
  39. Qureshi, N., H. Bariana, P. Zhang, R. McIntosh, D. Wong, M. Shankar, M.J. Hayden, J. Dubcovsky, and U. Bansal. 2018. Genetic relationship of stripe rust resistance genes Yr34 and Yr48 in wheat and identification of linked KASP markers. Plant Disease.102: 413-420.
  40. Shao M., G. Bai, T.W. Rife, J. Poland, M. Lin, S. Liu, H. Chen, T. Kumssa, A. Fritz, H. Trick, Y. Li, and G. Zhang. 2018. QTL mapping of pre‑harvest sprouting resistance in a white wheat cultivar Danby. Theor. Appl. Genet. 131: 1683-1697.
  41. Sherman, J. D., A. C. Varella, S. P. Lanning, J. M. Martin, H. –Y. Heo, D. Nash, N. K. Blake, J. P. Cook, L. E. Talbert.  2018.  Effect of a gene for high dough strength on whole wheat baking parameters of hard white spring wheat.  Cereal Chem. 95:411-417.
  42. Su, Z., S. Jin, D. Zhang, G. Bai. 2018. Development and validation of diagnostic markers Fhb1 region, a major QTL for fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet.
  43. Xue S., J. Kolmer, S. Wang, L. Yan. 2018. Mapping of leaf rust resistance genes and molecular characterization of the 2NS/2AS translocation in the wheat cultivar Jagger. G3 8: 2059-2065.
  44. Yuan, C., J. Wu, B. Yan, Q. Hao, C. Zhang, B. Lyu, F. Ni, A. Caplan, J. Wu, D. Fu. 2018. Remapping of the stripe rust resistance gene Yr10 in common wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 131: 1253–1262.
  45. Zhang G., Z. Hua. 2018. Genome comparison implies the role of Wsm2 in membrane trafficking and protein degradation. PeerJ. DOI 10.7717/peerj.4678.
  46. Zhang, J., S.A. Gizaw, E. Bossolini, J. Hegarty, T. Howell, A.H. Carter, E. Akhunov, J. Dubcovsky. 2018. Identification and validation of QTL for grain yield and plant water status under contrasting water treatments in fall-sown spring wheats. Theor. Appl. Genet. 131: 1741–1759.

2019 Publications

(51 publications)

  1. Alipour, H., G. Bai, G. Zhang, M.R. Bihamta, V. Mohammadi, S.A. Peyghambari. 2019. Imputation accuracy of wheat GBS data using barley and wheat genome references. PloS One PLoS ONE 14: e0208614.
  2. Anderson, J.A., J.J. Wiersma, S.K. Reynolds, G.L. Linkert, R. Caspers, J.A. Kolmer, Y. Jin, M.N. Rouse, R. Dill-Macky, M.J. Smith, L. Dykes, and J.-B. Ohm. 2019. Registration of ‘Shelly’ hard red spring wheat. J. Plant Registrations, 13:199–206.
  3. Blake, N. K., M. Pumphrey, K. Glover, S. Chao, K. Jordan, J.-L. Jannick, E. A. Akhunov, J. Dubcovsky, H. Bockelman, L. E. Talbert.  2019.  Registration of the Triticeae-CAP Spring Wheat Nested Association Mapping Population.  J. Plant Reg. 13:294-297.
  4. Cai, J., S. Wang, Z. Su, T. Li, X. Zhang, G. Bai. 2019. Meta-analysis of QTL for Fusarium head blight resistance in Chinese wheat landraces. The Crop Journal, 7:784-798.
  5. Cobo, N., L. Pflüger, X. Chen, J. Dubcovsky. 2018. Mapping QTL for resistance to new virulent races of wheat stripe rust from two Argentinean wheat varieties. Crop Sci. 58: 2470-2483.
  6. Cobo, N., H. Wanjugi, E. Lagudah, J. Dubcovsky. 2019. High-resolution map of wheat QYr.ucw-1BL, an adult-plant stripe rust resistance locus in the same chromosomal region as Yr29. The Plant Genome. 12:180055.
  7. Cook, J. P., D. K. Weaver, A. C. Varella, J. D. Sherman, M. L. Hofland, H.-Y. Heo, C. Caron, P. F. Lamb, N. K. Blake, L. E. Talbert. 2019.  Comparison of three alleles at a major solid stem QTL for wheat stem sawfly resistance and agronomic performance in hexaploid wheat.  Crop Sci. 59:1639–1647.
  8. Dhakal, S., C.-T. Tan, V. Anderson, H. Yu, M.P. Fuentealba, J.C. Rudd, S.D. Haley, Q. Xue, A.M.H. Ibrahim, L. Garza, R. Devkota, S.-Y. Liu. 2018. Mapping and KASP marker development for wheat curl mite resistance in ‘TAM 112’ wheat using linkage and association analysis. Mol. Breeding. 38: 119.
  9. Djanaguiraman, M., P.V.V. Prasad, J. Kumari, S.K. Sehgal, B. Friebe, I. Djalovic, Y. Chen, K.H.M. Siddique, B.S. Gill. 2019. Alien chromosome segment from Aegilops speltoides and Dasypyrum villosum increases drought tolerance in wheat via profuse and deep root system. BMC Plant Biology, 19:242.
  10. Gaire, R, M. Huang, C. Sneller, C. Griffey, G. Brown-Guedira, M. Mohammadi. 2019. Association analysis of baking and milling quality traits in elite soft red winter wheat population. Crop Sci. 59:1085-1094. 
  11. Gao, L., E.M. Babiker, I.C. Nava, J. Nirmala, Z. Bedo, L. Lang, S. Chao, S. Gale, Y. Jin, J.A. Anderson, U. Bansal, R.F. Park, M.N. Rouse, J.M. Bonman, and H. Bariana. 2018. Temperature-sensitive wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr15 is effective against Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici race TTKSK. Plant Pathol. 68:143–151.
  12. Gill H.S., C. Li, J.S. Sidhu, W. Liu, D. Wilson, G. Bai, G.S. Gill, S.K. Sehgal. 2019. Fine mapping of the wheat leaf rust resistance gene Lr42. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20: 2445
  13. Gizaw S.A., J.G. Godoy, M.O. Pumphrey, and A.H. Carter. 2018. Spectral reflectance for indirect selection and genome-wide association analysis of grain yield and drought tolerance in North American spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Crop Sci. 58: 2289-2301.
  14. Gizaw, S.A., J. Godoy, K. Garland-Campbell, and A.H. Carter. 2018. Genome-wide association study of yield and component traits in Pacific Northwest winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Crop Sci. 58: 2315-2330.
  15. Godoy, J., S. Gizaw, S. Chao, N. Blake, A. Carter, R. Cuthbert, J. Dubcovsky, P. Hucl, K. Kephart, C. Pozniak, P.V. V. Prasad, M. Pumphrey, and L. Talbert. 2018. Genome-wide association study of agronomic traits in a spring-planted North American elite hard red spring wheat panel. Crop Science 58:1838-1852
  16. Hayat, H., Mason, R.E., Lozada, D.N., Acuna, A., Holder, A., Larkin, D.L., Winn, Z., Murry, J., Murphy, P., Moon, D.E., Miller, R.G. 2019. Effects of allelic variation at Rht-B1 and Rht-D1 on grain yield and agronomic traits of southern US soft red winter wheat. Euphytica. 215:172.
  17. He F., R. Pasam, F. Shi, S. Kant, G. Keeble-Gagnere, P. Kay, K. Forrest, A. Fritz, P. Hucl, K. Wiebe, R. Knox, R. Cuthbert, C. Pozniak, A. Akhunova, P.L. Morrell, J.P. Davies, S.R. Webb, G. Spangenberg, B. Hayes, H. Daetwyler, J. Tibbits, M. Hayden, E. Akhunov. 2019. Exome sequencing highlights the role of wild relative introgression in shaping the adaptive landscape of the wheat genome. Nat Genet. 51:896–904.
  18. Howell T, J.I. Moriconi, X. Zhao, T. Fahima, G. E. Santa-Maria, and J. Dubcovsky. 2019. A wheat/rye polymorphism affects seminal root length and is associated with drought and waterlogging tolerance. J Exp. Bot. 70:4027-4037.
  19. Huang M., B. Ward, C. Griffey, D. Van Sanford, A. McKendry, G. Brown-Guedira, P. Tyagi, C Sneller. 2018. The accuracy of genomic prediction between environments and populations for soft wheat traits. Crop Sci. 58: 2274-2288.
  20. Jernigan K.L., J. Godoy, M. Huang, Y. Zhou, C.F. Morris, K. A. Garland-Campbell, Z. Zhang, A.H. Carter 2018. Association mapping for end-use quality in Pacific Northwest adapted soft white winter wheat. Front. Pl. Sci. 9:271.
  21. Kandel, J.S., M. Huang, Z. Zhang, D.Z. Skinner, D.R. See. 2018. Genetic diversity of clinal freezing tolerance variation in winter wheat landraces. Agronomy 8, 95
  22. Krause, M.R., L. González-Pérez, J. Crossa, P. Pérez-Rodríguez, O. Montesinos-López, R.P. Singh, S. Dreisigacker, J. Poland, J. Rutkoski, M.E. Sorrells, M.A. Gore, and S. Mondal. 2019. Hyperspectral reflectance-derived relationship matrices for genomic prediction of grain yield in wheat. Genes Genomes Genetics. 9:1231-1247.
  23. Kuzay, S., Y. Xu, J. Zhang, A. Katz, S. Pearce, Z. Su, M. Fraser, J. A. Anderson, G. Brown-Guedira, N. DeWitt, A. Peters Haugrud, J.D. Faris, E. Akhunov, G. Bai, J. Dubcovsky. 2019. Identification of a candidate gene for a QTL for spikelet number per spike on wheat chromosome arm 7AL by high-resolution genetic mapping. Theor. Appl. Genet. 132:2689-2705.
  24. Larkin, D.L., D.N. Lozada, and R.E Mason. 2019. Genomic selection – considerations for successful implementation in wheat breeding programs. Agronomy, 9:479.
  25. Li, C., H. Lin, A. Chen, M. Lau, J. Jernstedt, and J. Dubcovsky. 2019. Wheat VRN1, FUL2 and FUL3 play critical and redundant roles in spikelet meristem identity and spike determinacy. Development. 146:dev175398
  26. Lin, M., S. Liu, G. Zhang, and G. Bai. 2018. Effects of TaPHS1 and TaMKK3-A genes on wheat pre-harvest sprouting resistance. Agronomy 8, 210.
  27. Liu, W., J. Kolmer, S. Rynearson, X. Chen, L. Gao, J.A. Anderson, M.K. Turner, M. Pumphrey. 2019. Identifying loci conferring resistance to leaf and stripe rusts in a spring wheat population (Triticum aestivum L.) via genome-wide association mapping.  Phytopathology. 109:1932-194.
  28. Lozada, D.L., R.E. Mason, J.M. Sarinelli, and G. Brown-Guedira. 2019 Accuracy of genomic selection for grain yield and agronomic traits in soft red winter wheat. BMC Genetics. 20:82.
  29. Maulana F., K-S. Kim, J.D. Anderson, M.E. Sorrells, T. J. Butler,, S. Liu, P. S. Baenziger, P.F. Byrne, and X-F. Ma. 2019. Genomic selection of forage quality traits in winter wheat. Crop Sci. 59:2473-2483
  30. Muleta, K.T., X. Chen and M. Pumphrey. 2019. Genome-wide mapping of resistance to stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in hexaploid winter wheat.  Crop Science. 60:115-131.
  31. Nyine, M., S. Wang, K. Kiani, K. Jordan, S.Y. Liu, P. Byrne, S. Haley, S. Baenziger, S. Chao, R. Bowden, E. Akhunov. 2018. Genotype imputation in winter wheat using first-generation haplotype map SNPs improves genome-wide association mapping and genomic predictions of traits. G3.9:125-133.
  32. Ramakrishnan S.M., J.S. Sidhu, S. Ali, N. Kaur, J. Wu, and S.K. Sehgal. 2019. Molecular characterization of bacterial leaf streak resistance in hard winter wheat. PeerJ 7:e7276
  33. Rudd, J. C., R.N. Devkota, A.M.H. Ibrahim, J. A. Baker, S. Baker, R. Sutton, B. Simoneaux, G. Opeña, L.W. Rooney, J.M. Awika, S.-Y. Liu, Q. Xue, B. Bean, C.B. Neely, R.W. Duncan, Y. Jin, B.W. Seabourn, R.L. Bowden, Y. Jin, M.-S. Chen, and R.A. Graybosch. 2019. ‘TAM 204’ wheat, adapted to grazing, grain, and graze-out production systems in the southern High Plains. J. Plant Reg. 13:377-382.
  34. Santantonio, N., J.L. Jannink, and M.E. Sorrells. 2019. Homeologous epistasis in wheat: the search for an immortal hybrid. Genetics. 211:1105-1122.
  35. Santantonio, N., J.L. Jannink and M.E. Sorrells. 2019. Prediction of subgenome additive and interaction effects in allohexaploid wheat. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 9:685-698.
  36. Santantonio, N., J.L. Jannink and M.E. Sorrells. 2019. A low resolution epistasis mapping approach to identify chromosome arm interactions in allohexaploid wheat. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 9:675-684..
  37. Sarinelli, J.M., J.P. Murphy, P. Tyagi, J.B. Holland, J.W. Johnson, M. Mergoum, R.E. Mason, A. Babar, S. Harrison, R. Sutton, C.A. Griffey, and G. Brown‑Guedira. 2019. Training population selection and use of fixed effects to optimize genomic predictions in a historical USA winter wheat panel. Theor. Appl. Genet. 132: 1247–1261.
  38. Shao, M., G. Bai, T. W. Rife, J. Poland, M. Lin, S. Liu, H. Chen, T. Kumssa, A. Fritz, H. Trick, Y. Li, and G. Zhang. 2018. QTL mapping of pre‑harvest sprouting resistance in a white wheat cultivar Danby Theor. Appl. Genet. 131:1683–1697.
  39. Sidhu, J.S., S.M. Ramakrishnan, S. Ali, A. Bernardo, G. Bai, S. Abdullah G. Ayana, and S.K. Sehgal. 2019. Assessing the genetic diversity and characterizing genomic regions conferring tan spot resistance in rye. PLoS One 14: e0214519
  40. Su, Z., A. Bernardo, B. Tian, H. Chen, S. Wang, H. Ma, S. Cai, D. Liu, D. Zhang, T. Li, H. Trick, P.St. Amand, J. Yu, Z. Zhang, and G. Bai. 2019. A deletion mutation in TaHRC confers Fhb1 resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in wheat. Nat. Genet. 51: 1099-1105.
  41. Sun J., J.A. Poland, S. Mondal, J. Crossa, P. Juliana, R.P. Singh, J.E. Rutkoski, J-L. Jannink, L. Crespo-Herrera, G. Velu, J. Huerta-Espino, M.E. Sorrells. 2019. High-throughput phenotyping platforms enhance genomic selection for wheat grain yield across populations and cycles in early stage. Theor Appl Genet. 132:1705-1720.
  42. Shaw, L. B. Lyu, R. Turner, C. Li, F. Chen, X. Han, D. Fu, and J. Dubcovsky. 2019. FLOWERING LOCUS T2 (FT2) regulates spike development and fertility in temperate cereals. J. of Exp. Bot. 70: 193-204.
  43. Varella, A. C., H. Zhang, D. K. Weaver, J. P. Cook, M. L. Hofland, P. Lamb, S. Chao, J. M. Martin, N. K. Blake, L. E. Talbert.  2019. A novel QTL in durum wheat for resistance to the wheat stem sawfly associated with early expression of stem solidness.  G3: Genes, Genomes and Genetics 9:1999-2006.
  44. Varella, A. C., D. K. Weaver, N.  K. Blake, M. L. Hofland, H.-Y. Heo, J. P. Cook, P. F. Lamb, K. W. Jordan, E. Akhunov, S. Chao, and L. E. Talbert.  2019.  Analysis of recombinant inbred line populations derived from wheat landraces to identify new genes for wheat stem sawfly resistance.  Theor. Appl. Genet. 132: 2195–2207.
  45. Wang R., Y. Liu, K. Isham, W. Zhao, J. Wheeler, N. Klassen, Y. Hu, J.M. Bonman, J. Chen. 2018. QTL identification and KASP marker development for productive tiller and fertile spikelet numbers in two high-yielding hard white spring wheat cultivars. Mol. Bred. 38:135.
  46. Wang, R., T. Gordon, D. Hole, W. Zhao, K. Isham, J. M. Bonman, B. Goates, and J. Chen. 2019. Identification and assessment of two major QTL for dwarf bunt resistance in winter wheat line ‘IDO835’. Theor. Appl. Genet. 132:2755-2766.
  47. Wang W., Q. Pan, B. Tian, F. He, Y. Chen, G. Bai, A. Akhunova, H.N. Trick, E. Akhunov. 2019. Gene editing of the wheat homologs of TONNEAU1–recruiting motif encoding gene affects grain shape and weight in wheat. Plant J. 100:251-264.
  48. Ward, B.P., G.L. Brown-Guedira, F.L. Kolb, D.A. Van Sanford, P. Tyagi, C.H. Sneller and C.A. Griffey. 2019. Genome-wide association studies for yield-related traits in soft red winter wheat grown in Virginia. PLoS ONE, 14, p.e0208217.
  49. Ward, B.P., G.L. Brown-Guedira, P. Tyagi, F.L. Kolb, D.A. Van Sanford, C.H. Sneller and C.A. Griffey 2019. Multi-environment and multi-trait genomic selection models in unbalanced early-generation wheat yield trials. Crop Science. 59:491-507.
  50. Yang, Y., B.R. Basnet, A.M.H. Ibrahim, J.C. Rudd, X. Chen, R.L. Bowden, Q. Xue, R.D. Devkota, S. Wang, C.D. Johnson, R. Metz, R.E. Mason, D.B. Hays and S-Y. Liu. 2019. Developing KASP markers on a major stripe rust resistance QTL in a popular wheat TAM 111 using 90K array and genotyping-by-sequencing SNPs. Crop Sci. 59:165-175.
  51. Zhao, J., N.R. Mohamed, L. Khalaf, W. Chuang, L. Zhao, C.M. Smith, B. Carver, G. Bai. 2019. Development of single nucleotide polymorphism markers for the wheat curl mite resistance gene Cmc4. Crop Sci. 59: 1567-1575.

2020 Publications

(35 publications)

  1. Bajgain P., Y. Jin, T.J. Tsilo, G.K. Macharia, S.E. Reynolds, R. Wanyera, and  J.A. Anderson. 2020. Registration of KUWNSr, a wheat stem rust nested association mapping population. J Plant Regist.
  2. Bernardo, A., P.St. Amand, H.Q. Le, Z. Su, and G. Bai. 2020. Multiplex restriction amplicon sequencing: a novel next-generation sequencing-based marker platform for high-throughput genotyping. Plant Biotechnol. J., 18:254-265.
  3. Bolus, S., E. Akhunov, G. Coaker and J. Dubcovsky. 2019. Dissection of cell death induction by wheat stem rust resistance protein Sr35 and its matching effector AvrSr35. Mol. Plant Microbe Int. 33: 308–319.
  4. Chen, J., J. Wheeler, N. Klassen, W. Zhao, K. O’Brien, C. Jackson, J.M. Marshall, K. Schroeder, and X.M. Chen. 2020. Registration of ‘UI Bronze Jade’ hard white winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registration, 1– 8.
  5. Chen, S., M. N. Rouse, W. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Guo, J. Briggs, J. Dubcovsky. 2020. Wheat gene Sr60 encodes a protein with two putative kinase domains that confers resistance to stem rust. New Phytologists. 225:948-959.
  6. Cook, J.P., R. K. Acharya, J. M. Martin, N. K. Blake, I. J. Khan, H.-Y. Heo, K. D. Kephart, J. Eckhoff, L.E. Talbert, and J. D. Sherman. 2020. Genetic analysis of stay-green, yield and agronomic traits in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Crop Science 61:383-395.
  7. Debernardi, J.M., J.R. Greenwood, E.J. Finnegan, J. Jernstedt, J. Dubcovsky. 2019.APETALA2-like genes AP2L2 and Q specify lemma identity and axillary floral meristem development in wheat. The Plant Journal 101:171-187.
  8. Debernardi JM, Tricoli DM, Ercoli MF, Hayta S, Ronald P, Palatnik JF, Dubcovsky J (2020) A GRF–GIF chimeric protein improves the regeneration efficiency of transgenic plants. Nature Biotechnology 38:1274-1279.
  9. DeWitt, N., M. Guedira, E. Lauer, M. Sarinelli, P. Tyagi, D. Fu, Q. Hao, J.P. Murphy, D. Marshall, A. Akhunova, K. Jordan, E. Akhunov, and G. Brown-Guedira. 2020. Sequence based mapping identifies AWNS1, a candidate transcription repressor underlying awn suppression at the B1 locus in wheat. New Phytologist, 225:326-339.
  10. Fang, T., L. Lei, G. Li, C. Powers, P.M. Hunger, B.F. Carver, and L. Yan. 2020. Development and deployment of KASP markers for multiple alleles of Lr34 in wheat Theor. Appl. Genet. 133:2183-2195.
  11. Guttieri, M.J., R.L. Bowden, K. Reinhart, D. Marshall, Y. Jin, B. Seabourn.  2020.  Registration of hard white winter wheat germplasms with adult plant resistance to stem rust, KS14U6380R5, KS16U6380R10, and KS16U6380R11. J. Plant Registrations. 14:210-217.
  12. Halder J., J. Zhang, S. Ali, H.S. Gill, J.S. Sidhu, S. Talukdar, J. Kleinjan, B. Turnipseed, S.K. Sehgal. 2019. Mining and genomic characterization of resistance against to Tan spot, Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB), and Fusarium head blight in Watkins core collection of wheat. BMC Plant Biology. 19:480.
  13. Jones, B.H., N.K. Blake, H.-Y. Heo, J.R. Kalous, J.M. Martin, J.A. Torrion and L.E. Talbert. 2020. Improving hexaploid spring wheat by introgression of alleles for yield component traits from durum wheat. Crop Science 60: 759-771.
  14. Jordan KW, He F, DeSoto MF, Akhunova A, Akhunov E. 2020. Differential chromatin accessibility landscape reveals structural and functional features of the allopolyploid wheat chromosomes. Genome Biol. 21:176.
  15. Kan, C-C, H., Jia, C, Powers, B.F. Carver, and L. Yan. 2020. Genetic characterization and deployment of a major gene for grain yield on chromosome arm 1BS in winter wheat. Mol. Breed. 40:26.
  16. Kippes, N., C. van Gessel, J. Hamilton, A. Akpinar, H. Budak, J. Dubcovsky and S. Pearce. 2020. Effect of phyB and phyC loss-of-function mutations on wheat transcriptome under short and long day photoperiods. BMC Plant Biology. 20: 297.
  17. Klymiuk, V., A. Fatiukha, D. Raats, V. Bocharova, L. Huang, L. Feng, S. Jaiwar, C. Pozniak, G. Coaker, J. Dubcovsky, T. Fahima. 2020. Three previously characterized resistances to yellow rust are encoded by a single locus Wtk1. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71: 2561-2572.
  18. Larkin, D. L., A.L. Holder, R.E. Mason, D.A. Moon, G. Brown-Guedira, P.P. Price, S.A. Harrison, and Y. Dong. (2020). Genome-wide analysis and prediction of fusarium head blight resistance in soft red winter wheat. Crop Science.
  19. Liu, G., X. Liu, Y. Xu, A. Bernardo, M. Chen, Y. Li, F. Niu, L. Zhao and G. Bai. 2020. Reassigning Hessian fly resistance genes H7 and H8 to chromosomes 6A and 2B of the wheat cultivar ‘Seneca’ using genotyping‐by‐sequencing. Crop Sci. 60:1488–1498.
  20. Liu S., G. Bai, M. Lin, M. Luo, D. Zhang, F. Jin, B. Tian, H.N. Trick, L. Yan. 2020. Identification of candidate chromosome region of Sbwm1 for Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus resistance in wheat. Sci Rep-UK 10:8119.
  21. Maulana F., K-S. Kim, J.D. Anderson, M.E. Sorrells, T. J. Butler, S.-Y. Liu, P. S. Baenziger, P.F. Byrne, and X-F. Ma. 2020. Genomic selection of forage agronomic traits in winter wheat. Crop Sci.
  22. Muleta, K.T., X. Chen and M. Pumphrey. 2020.  Genome-wide mapping of resistance to stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in hexaploid winter wheat. Crop Science 60:115-131.
  23. Niu, F., Y. Xu, X. Liu, L. Zhao, A. Bernardo, Y. Li, G. Liu, M. Chen, L. Cao, Z. Hu, X. Xu, and G. Bai. 2020. The Hessian fly recessive resistance gene h4 mapped to chromosome 1A of the wheat cultivar ‘Java’ using genotyping-by-sequencing. Theor. Appl. Genet.
  24. Nyine M, Adhikari E, Clinesmith M, Jordan KW, Fritz AK, Akhunov E. 2020. Genomic Patterns of introgression in interspecific populations created by crossing wheat with its wild relative. G3 (Bethesda). 10:3651–3661
  25. Shaw, L. M., C. Li, D. P. Woods1, M. A. Alvarez, H. Lin, M. Y. Lau, A. Chen, and J. Dubcovsky. 2020. Epistatic interactions between PHOTOPERIOD1, CONSTANS1 and CONSTANS2 modulate the photoperiodic response in wheat. PLoS Genetics. 16: e1008812.
  26. Sidhu J.S., D. Singh, H.S. Gill, N.K. Brar, Y. Qiu, J. Halder, R. Al Tameemi, B. Turnipseed and S.K. Sehgal. 2020. Genome-wide association study uncovers novel genomic regions associated with coleoptile length in hard winter wheat. Frontiers in Genetics. 10:1345.
  27. Strauss, N. M.,  A. Wiersma, P. DeMacon, E. Klarquist, A. Carter, K.A. Garland Campbell, E. Olson. 2020. Registration of the wheat D-Genome nested association mapping(DNAM) population. Journal of Plant Registrations 15:215-222.
  28. Taagen E., A.J. Bogdanove, and M.E. Sorrells. 2020. Counting on crossovers: Controlled recombination for plant breeding. Trends in Plant Science. 25:455-465.
  29. Taagen, E., A.J. Bogdanove, M.E. Sorrells. 2020. Achieving controlled recombination with targeted cleavage and epigenetic modifiers. Trends in Plant Science. 25:513-514.
  30. Veenstra, L.D., J. Poland, Jannink, and M.E. Sorrells. 2020. Recurrent genomic selection for wheat grain fructans. Crop Science 60:1499-1512.
  31. Veenstra, L.D., N. Santantonio, J.L. Jannink, and M.E. Sorrells. 2019. Influence of genotype and environment on wheat grain fructan content. Crop Sciences. 59:190-198.
  32. Wang, S., Q. Li, J. Wang, Y. Yan, G. Zhang, Y. Yan, H. Zhang, J. Wu, F. Chen, X. Wang, Z. Kang, J. Dubcovsky, and J.-Y. Gou. 2019. YR36/WKS1-mediated phosphorylation of PsbO, an extrinsic member of Photosystem II, inhibits photosynthesis and confers stripe rust resistance in wheat. Molecular Plant 12:1639-1650.
  33. Zhao, L., N.R. Abdelsalam, Y. Xu, M.S. Chen, Y. Feng, L. Kong, and G. Bai, G. 2020. Identification of two novel Hessian fly resistance genes H35 and H36 in a hard winter wheat line SD06165. Theor. Appl. Genet. 133:2343-2353.
  34. Zhang, P., C. Guo, Z. Liu, A. Bernardo, H. Ma, P. Jiang, G. Song and G. Bai. 2020. Quantitative trait loci for Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat cultivars Yangmai 158 and Zhengmai 9023, Crop J.
  35. Zhang, Y., A. Schonhofen, W. Zhang, J. Hegarty, C. Carter, T. Vang , D. Laudencia-Chingcuanco and J. Dubcovsky, Contributions of individual and combined Glu-B1x and Glu-B1y high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits to semolina functionality and pasta quality. Journal of Cereal Science 93: 102943.

2021 Publications

(45 publications)

  1. AlTameemi, R., H.S. Gill, S. Ali, G. Ayana, J. Halder, J.S. Sidhu, U.S. Gill, B. Turnipseed, J.L. Gonzalez Hernandez, S.K. Sehgal. 2021. Genome-wide association analysis permits characterization of Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB) resistance in hard winter wheat. Scientific Reports. 11:12570.
  2. Anderson, J.A., J.J. Wiersma, S.K. Reynolds, E.J. Conley, R. Caspers, G.L. Linkert, J.A. Kolmer, Y. Jin, M.N. Rouse, R. Dill-Macky, M.J. Smith, L. Dykes, J.-B. Ohm. 2021. Registration of ‘Lang-MN’ hard red spring wheat. J. Plant Registrations,
  3. Anderson, J.A., J.J. Wiersma, S.K. Reynolds, E.J. Conley, R. Caspers, G.L. Linkert, J.A. Kolmer, Y. Jin, M.N. Rouse, R. Dill-Macky, M.J. Smith, L. Dykes, J.-B. Ohm. 2021. Registration of ‘MN-Washburn’ Hard Red Spring Wheat Containing Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus Resistance Gene bdv2. J. Plant Registrations,
  4. Ayalew, H., M.E. Sorrells, B.F. Carver, P.S. Baenziger, X-F. Ma. 2020. Selection signatures across seven decades of hard winter wheat breeding in the Great Plains of the United States. The Plant Genome 13:
  5. Chen, S., J. Hegarty, T. Shen, L. Hua, H. Li, J. Luo, H. Li, S. Bai, C. Zhang, J. Dubcovsky. 2021. Stripe rust resistance gene Yr34 (synonym Yr48) is located within a distal translocation of Triticum monococcum chromosome 5AmL into common wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 134: 2197–2211.
  6. Chu, C., S. Wang, J.C. Rudd, Q. Xue, A.M.H. Ibrahim, R. Metz, C.D. Johnson, and S.-Y. Liu. 2021. RNA-seq analysis reveals different drought tolerance mechanisms in broadly adapted wheat cultivars ‘TAM 111’ and ‘TAM 112’. Nature Scientific Reports. 11:4301.
  7. Dhakal, S., X. Liu, A. Girard, C. Chu, Y. Yang, S. Wang, Q. Xue, J.C. Rudd, A.M.H. Ibrahim, J.M. Awika, K.E. Jessup, J.A. Baker, L. Garza, R.N. Devkota, S. Baker, C.D Johnson, R.P. Metz, S.-Y. Liu. 2021. Genetic dissection of end‐use quality traits in two widely‐adapted wheat cultivars ‘TAM 111’ and ‘TAM 112’. Crop Sci. 61:1944-1959.
  8. DeWitt, N., M. Guedira, E. Lauer, J.P. Murphy, D. Marshall, M. Mergoum, J. Johnson, J.B. Holland, G. Brown-Guedira. 2021. Characterizing the oligogenic architecture of plant growth phenotypes informs genomic selection approaches in a common wheat population. BMC Genomics. 22:1-8.
  9. Fan, M., F. Miao, H. Jia, G. Li, C. Powers, R. Nagarajan, P.D. Alderman, Z. Ma, B.F. Carver, L. Yan. 2021. O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase is involved in fine regulation of flowering time in winter wheat. Nature Communications. 12: 2303.
  10. Gabay, G., J. Zhang, G. F. Burguener, T. Howell, H. Wang, T. Fahima, A. Lukaszewski, J. I. Moriconi, G. E. Santa Maria, J. Dubcovsky. 2021. Structural rearrangements in wheat (1BS)–rye (1RS) recombinant chromosomes affect gene dosage and root length. The Plant Genome, 2021:e20079.
  11. Gill, H.S., J. Halder, J. Zhang, N. Brar, T.S. Rai, C. Hall, A. Bernardo, P.St. Amand, G Bai, E. Olson, S. Ali, B. Turnipseed, S.K. Sehgal. 2021. Multi-trait multi-environment genomic prediction of agronomic traits in advanced breeding lines of winter wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:709545.
  12. Glenn, P., Zhang, J., Brown-Guedira, G., DeWitt, N., Cook, J.P., Li, K., Akhunov, E., and Dubcovsky, J. (2021). Identification and characterization of a natural polymorphism in FT-A2 associated with increased number of grains per spike in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. Accepted (preprint 10.21203/
  13. Hassan MA, Yang M, Rasheed A, Tian X, Reynolds M, Xia X, Xiao Y, and He Z. 2021. Quantifying senescence in bread wheat using multispectral imaging from an unmanned aerial vehicle and QTL mapping. Plant Physiology.
  14. He F., W. Wang, W.B. Rutter, K.W. Jordan, J. Ren, E. Taagen, N. DeWitt, D. Sehgal, S. Sukumaran, S. Dreisigacker, M. Reynolds, S. Liu, J. Chen, A. Fritz, J. Cook, G. Brown-Guedira, M. Pumphrey, A. Carter, M. Sorrells, J. Dubcovsky, M.J. Hayden, A. Akhunova, P.L. Morrell, L. Szabo, M. Rouse, E. Akhunov. 2021. The landscape of genetic effects on gene expression levels in allopolyploid wheat reveals the impact of homoeologous gene dysregulation on agronomic traits. Nat. Communications, (under revision)
  15. Isham, K., R. Wang, W. Zhao, J. Wheeler, N. Klassen, E. Akhunov, and J. Chen. 2021. QTL mapping for grain yield and three yield components in a population derived from two high-yielding spring wheat cultivars. Theor Appl Genet, 134:2079-2095.
  16. Jia, H., S. Xue, L. Lei, M. Fan, S. Peng, R. Nagarajan, B. Carver, Z. Ma, J. Deng, L. Yan. 2021. A semi-dominant NLR allele causes whole-seedling necrosis in wheat. Plant Physiology. 186:183-496.
  17. Jones, B.H., N.K. Blake, H.-Y. Heo, J.M. Martin, J.A. Torrion and L.E. Talbert. 2021. Allelic response of yield component traits to resource availability in spring wheat. Theor Appl Genet 134: 603-620.
  18. Jordan J., P. Bradbury, Z.R. Miller, M. Nyine, F. He, M. Fraser, J. Anderson, E. Mason, A. Katz, S. Pearce, A.H. Carter, S. Prather, M. Pumphrey, J. Chen, J. Cook, S. Liu, J. Rudd, Z. Wang, C. Chu, A.M.H. Ibrahim, J. Turkus, E. Olson, R. Nagarajan, B. Carver, L. Yan, E. Taagen, M.E. Sorrells, B. Ward, J. Ren, A. Akhunova, G. Bai, R. Bowden, J. Fiedler, J. Faris, J. Dubcovsky, M. Guttieri, G. Brown-Guedira, E.S. Buckler, J. Jannink, E. Akhunov. Development of the Wheat Practical Haplotype Graph Database as a Resource for Genotyping Data Storage and Genotype Imputation. G3, 2021. In press bioRxiv
  19. Katz A., P. Byrne, S. Reid, S. Bratschun, S. Haley, S. Pearce. 2021. Identification and validation of a QTL for spikelet number on chromosome arm 6BL of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). preprint in Research Square submitted to Molecular Breeding.
  20. Kolmer J, M.K .Turner, M.N. Rouse, J.A. Anderson. 2021. Adult plant leaf rust resistance in AC Taber wheat maps to chromosomes 2BS and 3BS. Phytopathol.
  21. Kuzay, S., Lin, H., Li, C., Chen, S., Woods, D., Zhang, J., and Dubcovsky, J. (2021). WAPO-A1 is the causal gene of the 7AL QTL for spikelet number per spike in wheat. bioRxiv: 2021.2007.2029.454276. In review in PLoS Genetics
  22. Li, H., L. Hua, M.N. Rouse, T. Li, S. Pang, S. Bai, T. Shen, J. Luo, H. Li, W. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Dubcovsky, S. Chen. 2021. Mapping and characterization of a wheat stem rust resistance gene in durum wheat ‘Kronos’. Frontiers in Plant Science. In press
  23. Li K., J. M. Debernardi, C. Li, H. Lin, C. Zhang, J. Dubcovsky. 2020. Interactions between SQUAMOSA and SVP MADS-box proteins regulate meristem transitions during wheat spike development. bioRxiv:2020.2012.2001.405779. In press in The Plant Cell.
  24. Liu S., D.F. Wang, M. Lin, S.K. Sehgal, L. Dong, Y. Wu, G. Bai. 2020. Artificial selection in breeding extensively enriched a functional allelic variation in TaPHS1 for pre-harvest sprouting resistance in wheat. Theor Appl Genet. 134:339-350
  25. Liu Y., H. Chen, C. Li, L. Zhang, M. Shao, Y. Pang, X. Xu, G. Bai.2021. Development of diagnostic markers for a wheat leaf rust resistance gene Lr42 using RNA-sequencing Crop J
  26. Luo, J., M.N. Rouse, L. Hua, H. Li, B. Li, T. Li, W. Zhang, C. Gao, Y. Wang, J. Dubcovsky, S. Chen. 2021. Identification and characterization of Sr22b, a new allele of the wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr22 effective against the Ug99 race group. Plant Biotechnology Journal. In press.
  27. Marburger, D.A., A. de Oliveira Silva, R.M. Hunger, J.T. Edwards, VL. an der Laan, A.M. Blakey, L. Yan, K.A. Garland-Campbell, R.L. Bowden, M-S. Chen, M. Tilley, Y.R. Chen, G. Bai, B.W. Seabourn, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer, G.D. Rassi, P. Rayas-Duarte, B.F. Carver. 2021. Gallagher and Iba hard red winter wheat: Half-sibs inseparable by yield gain, separable by producer preference. Journal of Plant Registrations. 15: 177-195.
  28. Mason R.E., T.L. Roberts, R. Boyles, A. Acuna, M.N. Arguello, D. Ballesteros, N. Subramanian. 2021. Molecular breeding in wheat, maize and sorghum: strategies for improving abiotic stress tolerance and yield. In: M. A. Hossain, et al. (Eds.), Molecular breeding in wheat, maize and sorghum: strategies for improving abiotic stress tolerance and yield., CABI. pp. 90-116. Book Chapter.
  29. Megerssa, S. H., M.E. Sorrells, K. Ammar, M. Acevedo, G.C. Bergstrom, P. Olivera, G. Brown-Guedira, B. Ward, B., A.G. Degete, and B. Abeyo 2021. Genome-wide association mapping of seedling and adult plant response to stem rust in a durum wheat panel. Plant Genome. e20105.
  30. Mohammed S., T. Huggins, E. Mason, F. Beecher, C. Chick, P. Sengodon, A. Paudel, A. Ibrahim, M. Tilley, D. Hays. 2021. Mapping the genetic loci regulating leaf epicuticular wax, canopy temperature, and drought susceptibility index in Triticum aestivum. Crop Science 61:2294-2305.
  31. Nyine M., E. Adhikari, M. Clinesmith, R. Aiken, B. Betzen, W. Wang, D. Davidson, Z. Yu, Y. Guo, F. He, A. Akhunova, K.W. Jordan, A.K. Fritz, E. Akhunov. The haplotype-based analysis of Aegilops tauschii introgression into hard red winter wheat and its impact on productivity traits. 2021, bioRxiv: Front. Plant Sci. In press.
  32. Sandhu, K.S., S.S. Patil, M.O. Pumphrey, A.H. Carter. 2021. Multi-trait machine and deep learning models for genomic selection using spectral information in a wheat breeding program. The Plant Genome
  33. Sandhu, K.S., D.N. Lozada, Z. Zhang, M.O. Pumphrey, A.H. Carter. 2021. Deep learning for predicting complex traits in spring wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:613325
  34. Sweeney, D.W., J. Rutkoski, G.C. Bergstrom, M.E. Sorrells, 2020. A connected half‐sib family training population for genomic prediction in barley. Crop Science 60: 262– 281.
  35. Taagen, E., Tanaka, J., Gul, A., Sorrells, M. E., Positional-based cloning ‘fail-safe’ approach is overpowered by wheat chromosome structural variation (2021) The Plant Genome
  36. Ward, B.P., K. Merrill, P. Bulli, M. Pumphrey, R.E. Mason, M. Mergoum, J. Johnson, S. Sapkota, B. Lopez, G. Brown-Guedira. 2020. Analysis of the primary sources of quantitative adult plant resistance to stripe rust in U.S. soft red winter wheat germplasm. The Plant Genome. 2021;14:e20082.
  37. Winn Z.J., D.L. Larkin, J.T. Murry, D.E. Moon, R.E. Mason 2021. Phenotyping anther extrusion of wheat using image analysis. Agronomy 11(6), 1244.
  38. Yang, Y., S. Dhakal, C. Chu, S. Wang, Q. Xue, J.C. Rudd, A.M.H. Ibrahim, K. Jessup, J. Baker, M.P. Fuentealba, R. Devkota, S. Baker, C.D. Johnson, R. Metz, S.-Y. Liu. 2020. Genome wide identification of QTL associated with yield and yield components in two popular wheat cultivars TAM 111 and TAM 112, PLOS ONE 15(12) e0237293.
  39. Zemetra, R.S., S.N. Phipps, T. Kohler, A.B. Burke, A.H. Carter. 2021. Registration of the Coda/Brundage wheat recombinant inbred line mapping population. Journal of Plant Registrations. In Press
  40. Zhang G, T.J. Martin, A.K. Fritz, R.L. Bowden, Y. Li, G. Bai, M‐S Chen, Y. Jin, X. Chen, J.A. Kolmer, B.W. Seabourn, R.Y. Chen, D.S. Marshall. 2021 Registration of ‘KS Silverado’ hard white winter wheat. J. Plant Regist. 15:147-153.
  41. Zhang G, T.J. Martin, A.K. Fritz, Y. Li, G. Bai, R.L. Bowden, M-S Chen, Y. Jin, X. Chen, J.A. Kolmer, B.W. Seabourn, R.Y. Chen, and D.S. Marshall. 2020. Registration of ‘KS Dallas’ hard red winter wheat. J. Plant Reg. 15:154-160.
  42. Zhang G, T.J. Martin, A.K. Fritz, Y. Li, G. Bai, R.L. Bowden, M-S Chen, Y. Jin, X. Chen, J.A. Kolmer, B.W. Seabourn, R.Y. Chen, and D.S. Marshall. 2020. Registration of ‘KS Western Star’ hard red winter wheat J of Plant Reg. 15:140-146.
  43. Zhang G, T.J. Martin, A.K. Fritz, R. Regan, G. Bai, M.S.Chen, R.L. Bowden. 2020. Registration of ‘KS Venada’ hard white winter wheat. J of Plant Reg. 14:153-158.
  44. Zhang G., R.Y. Chen, M.Q. Shao, G.H. Bai, B.W. Seabourn. 2020. Genetic analysis of end‐use quality traits in wheat. Crop Sci.
  45. Zhao L., S. Liu, N. R. Abdelsalam, B. F. Carver, G. Bai. 2020. Characterization of wheat curl mite resistance gene Cmc4 in OK05312. Theor Appl Genet. 134:993-1005.

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2022 Publications

(47 publications)

  1. Alarcón-Reverte R, Xie Y, Stromberger J,Cotter JD, Mason RE, Pearce S (2022) Induced mutations in ASPARAGINE SYNTHETASE-A2 reduce free asparagine concentration in the wheat grain. Crop Science 62:1484–1496. 
  2. Baenziger PS, Frels KA, Boehm J, Belamkar V, Rose DJ, Xu L, Wegulo SN, Regassa T, Easterly AC, Creech CF, Santra DK, Klein RN, Jin Y, Kolmer J, Chen MS, Guttieri MJ, Bai G, El-Basyoni Salah I, Masterson SD, Poland J (2022) Registration of ‘Epoch’ hard red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 16:613–621. 
  3. Chen H, Su Z, Tian B, Liu Y, Pang Y, Kavetskyi V, Trick HN, Bai G (2022) Development and optimization of a Barley stripe mosaic virus-mediated gene editing system to improve Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. Plant Biotechnology Journal 20:1018–1020. 
  4. Chen H, Su Z, Tian B, Hao G, Trick HN, Bai G (2022) TaHRC suppresses the calcium-mediated immune response and triggers wheat Fusarium head blight susceptibility. Plant Physiology 190:1566–1569. 
  5. Chen Y, Liu Y, Zhang J,Torrance A, Watanabe N, Adamski NM, Uauy C (2022) The Triticum ispahanicum elongated glume locus P2 maps to chromosome 6A and is associated with the ectopic expression of SVP-A1. Theor Appl Genet 135:2313–2331. 
  6. Chu C, Wang S, Rudd JC, Ibrahim AMH, Xue Q, Devkota RN, Baker JA, Baker S, Simoneaux B, Opena G, Dong H, Liu X, Jessup KE, Chen MS, Hui K, Metz R, Johnson CD, Zhang ZS, Liu S (2022) A new strategy for using historical imbalanced yield data to conduct genome-wide association studies and develop genomic prediction models for wheat breeding. Mol Breeding 42:18. 
  7. Debernardi JM, Woods DP, Li K, Li C, Dubcovsky J (2022) MiR172-APETALA2-like genes integrate vernalization and plant age to control flowering time in wheat. PLoS Genetics, 18:e1010157.
  8. Dang C, Zhang J, Dubcovsky J (2022) High-resolution mapping of Yr78, an adult plant resistance gene to wheat stripe rust. The Plant Genome, 15:e20212. .
  9. Fan M, Zhang X, Nagarajan R, Fan M, Zhang X, Nagarajan R, Zhai W, Rauf Y, Jia H, Ma Z, Yan LL (2023) Natural variants and editing events provide insights into routes for spike architecture modification in common wheat. The Crop Journal, 11:148-156. 
  10. Gill HS, Halder J, Zhang J, Rana A, Kleinjan J, St. Amand P, Bernardo A, Bai G, Sehgal SK (2022) Whole-genome analysis of hard winter wheat germplasm identifies genomic regions associated with spike and kernel traits. Theor Appl Genet 135:2953–2967. 
  11. Glenn P, Zhang J, Brown-Guedira G, DeWitt N, Cook JP, Li K, Akhunov E, Dubcovsky J (2022) Identification and characterization of a natural polymorphism in FT-A2 associated with increased number of grains per spike in wheat. Theor Appl Genet 135:679-692. 
  12. He F, Wang W, Rutter WB, KW Jordan, Ren J, Taagen E, DeWitt N, Sehgal D, Sukumaran S, Dreisigacker S, Reynolds M, Liu S, Chen J, Fritz A, Cook J, Brown-Guedira G, Pumphrey M, Carter A, Sorrells M, Dubcovsky J, Hayden MJ, Akhunova A, Morrell PL, Szabo L, Rouse M, Akhunov E (2022) Genomic variants affecting homoeologous gene expression dosage contribute to agronomic trait variation in allopolyploid wheat. Nature Communications 13:826. 
  13. Jiang D, Hua L, Zhang C, Li H, Wang Z, Li J, Wang G, Song R, Shen T, Li H, Bai S, Liu Y, Wanga J, Li H, Dubcovsky J, Chen S 2023. Mutations in the miRNA165/166 binding site of the HB2 gene result in pleiotropic effects on morphological traits in wheat. The Crop Journal, 11:19-20. .
  14. Kissing Kucek L, Dawson JC, Darby H, Mallory E, Davis M, Sorrells ME (2021) Breeding wheat for weed-competitive ability:II–measuring gains from selection and local adaptation. Euphytica 217:203. 
  15. Kissing Kucek L, Mallory EB, Darby HM, Dawson JC, Sorrells ME (2021) Breeding wheat for weed-competitive ability:I. Correlated traits. Euphytica 217:202. 
  16. Kuzay S, Lin H, Li C, Chen S, Woods D, Zhang J, Dubcovsky J (2022) WAPO-A1 is the causal gene of the 7AL QTL for spikelet number per spike in wheat. PLOS Genetics 18:e1009747. 
  17. Larkin DL, Mason RE, Moon DE, Holder AL, Ward BP, Brown-Guedira G (2021) Predicting fusarium head blight resistance for advanced trials in a soft red winter wheat breeding program with genomic selection. Frontiers in Plant Science 12:715314. 
  18. Li H, Zhang F, Zhao J, Bai G, St. Amand P, Bernardo A, Ni Z, Sun Q, Su Z (2022) Identification of a novel major QTL from Chinese wheat cultivar Ji5265 for Fusarium head blight resistance in greenhouse. Theor Appl Genet 135:1867–1877. 
  19. Lopez SR, Wiersma AT, Strauss NM, Watkins T, Baik BK, Zhang G, Sehgal SK, Kolb FL, Poland JA, Mason RE, Carter AH, Olson EL (2023) Description of U6719-004 wheat germplasm with YrAS2388R stripe rust resistance introgression from Aegilops tauschii. Journal of Plant Registrations. 17(1):26–33.
  20. Luo J, Rouse MN, Hua L, Li H, Li B, Li T, Zhang W, Gao C, Wang Y, Dubcovsky J, Chen S (2022). Identification and characterization of Sr22b, a new allele of the wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr22 effective against the Ug99 race group. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 20:554–563.
  21. Morales N, Ogbonna AC, Ellerbrock BJ, Bauchet GJ, Tantikanjana T, et al. (57 co-authors including Jean-Luc Jannink, Clay Birkett, and David Waring) 2022. Breedbase:a digital ecosystem for modern plant breeding. G3.
  22. Moriconi JI, Silva M, Zhang J, Tranquilli GE, Santa-María GE (2022) A genome-wide association study unveils key chromosome regions involved in determining sodium accumulation in wheat under conditions of low potassium supply. Journal of Plant Physiology 275:153739. 
  23. Peters Haugrud AR, Zhang Q, Green AJ, Xu SS, Faris JD (2023) Identification of stable QTL controlling multiple yield components in a durum × cultivated emmer wheat population under field and greenhouse conditions. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 13:jkac281. 
  24. Prather S, Schneider T, Gaham Godoy J, Odubiyi S, Bosque-Perez NA, Rashed A, Rynearson S, Pumphrey MO (2022) Reliable DNA Markers for a Previously Unidentified, Yet Broadly Deployed Hessian Fly Resistance Gene on Chromosome 6B in Pacific Northwest Spring Wheat Varieties. Frontiers in Plant Science 13. 
  25. Rooney TE, Kunze KH, Sorrells ME (2022a) Genome-wide marker effect heterogeneity is associated with a large effect dormancy locus in winter malting barley. The Plant Genome:e20247. 
  26. Rooney TE, Sweeney DW, Sorrells ME (2022b) Time series barley germination is predictable and associated with known seed dormancy loci. Crop Science 62:100–119. 
  27. Sandhu KS, Merrick LF, Sankaran S, Zhang Z, Carter AH (2022) Prospectus of Genomic Selection and Phenomics in Cereal, Legume and Oilseed Breeding Programs. Frontiers in Genetics 12. 
  28. Sandhu KS, Mihalyov PD, Lewien MJ, Pumphrey MO, Carter AH (2021) Genomic Selection and Genome-Wide Association Studies for Grain Protein Content Stability in a Nested Association Mapping Population of Wheat. Agronomy 11:2528. 
  29. Sandhu KS, Patil SS, Aoun M, Carter AH (2022) Multi-Trait Multi-Environment Genomic Prediction for End-Use Quality Traits in Winter Wheat. Frontiers in Genetics 13:831020. 
  30. Sandro P, Kucek LK, Sorrells ME, Dawson JC, Gutierrez L (2022) Developing high-quality value-added cereals for organic systems in the US Upper Midwest:hard red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding. Theor Appl Genet. 135:4005-4027 
  31. Sweeney DW, Kunze KH, Sorrells ME (2022) QTL x environment modeling of malting barley preharvest sprouting. Theor Appl Genet 135:217–232. 
  32. Sweeney DW, Rooney TE, Sorrells ME (2021) Gain from genomic selection for a selection index in two-row spring barley. The Plant Genome 14:e20138. 
  33. Sweeney DW, Rooney TE, Walling JG, Sorrells ME (2022) Interactions of the barley SD1 and SD2 seed dormancy loci influence preharvest sprouting, seed dormancy, and malting quality. Crop Science 62:120–138. 
  34. Taagen E, Jordan K, Akhunov E, Sorrells ME, Jannink JL (2022) If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It:Evaluating the Effect of Increased Recombination on Response to Selection for Wheat Breeding. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics jkac291. 
  35. Venegas J, Guttieri MJ, Boehm Jr. JD, Graybosch R, Bai G, St. Amand PC, Palmer N, Hussain W, Blecha S, Baenziger PS (2022) Genetic architecture of the high-inorganic phosphate phenotype derived from a low-phytate mutant in winter wheat. Crop Science 62:1228–1241. 
  36. Wu J, Qiao L, Liu Y, Fu B, Nagarajan R, Rauf Y, Jia H, Yan LL (2022) Rapid identification and deployment of major genes for flowering time and awn traits in common wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:992811. 
  37. Xu Y, La G, Fatima N, Liu Z, Zhang L, Zhao L, Chen MS, Bai G (2021) Precise mapping of QTL for Hessian fly resistance in the hard winter wheat cultivar ‘Overland.’ Theor Appl Genet 134:3951–3962. 
  38. Zhang G, Martin TJ, Fritz AK, Li Y, Seabourn BW, Chen RY, Bai G, Bowden RL, Chen MS, Rupp J, Jin Y, Chen X, Kolmer JA, Marshall DS (2022) Registration of ‘KS Hamilton’ hard red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 16:73–79. 
  39. Zhang J (2022) Check CRISPR editing events in transgenic wheat with next-generation sequencing. In:Wani SH, Kumar A (eds) Genomics of Cereal Crops. Springer US, New York, NY, pp 95–106
  40. Zhang J, Gill HS, Brar NK, Halder J, Ali S, Liu X, Bernardo A, St. Amand P, Bai G, Gill US, Turnipseed B, Sehgal SK (2022) Genomic prediction of Fusarium head blight resistance in early stages using advanced breeding lines in hard winter wheat. The Crop Journal. 
  41. Zhang J, Gill HS, Halder J, Brar NK, Ali S, Bernardo A, St. Amand P, Bai G, Turnipseed B, Sehgal SK (2022) Multi-locus genome-wide association studies to characterize Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) resistance in Hard Winter Wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:946700. 
  42. Zhang L, Xu Y, Chen M-S, Su Z, Liu Y, Xu Y, La G, Bai G (2022) Identification of a major QTL for Hessian fly resistance in wheat cultivar ‘Chokwang.’ The Crop Journal 10:775–782. 
  43. Zhang XY, Jia HY, Li T, Wu JZ, Nagarajan R, Lei L, Powers C, Kan CC, Hua W, Liu ZY, Chen C, Carver BF, Yan LL (2022) TaCol-B5 modifies spike architecture and enhances grain yield in wheat. Science 376:180–183. 
  44. Zhao L, Ge W, Lyu Z, Xu S, Xu Y, Bernardo A, Zhang Q, Xu S, Wang H, Kong L, Bai G (2022) Development and validation of diagnostic markers for the wheat Fusarium head blight resistance gene Fhb7. Crop Science 62:1903–1911. 
  45. Zhao L, Su P, Hou B, Wu H, Fan Y, Li W, Zhao J, Ge W, Xu S, Wu S, Ma X, Li A, Bai G, Wang H, Kong L (2022) The Black Necrotic Lesion Enhanced Fusarium graminearum Resistance in Wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:926621.
  46. DeWitt N, Guedira M, Murphy JP, Marshall D, Mergoum M, Maltecca C, Brown-Guedira G (2022) A network modeling approach provides insights into the environment-specific yield architecture of wheat. Genetics 221(3) iyac076.
  47. Rivera-Burgos LA, Brown-Guedira G, Johnson J, Mergoum M, Cowger, C (2022) Accounting for heading date gene effects allows detection of small-effect QTL associated with resistance to Septoria nodorum blotch in wheat. PloS one 17(5) p.e0268546.

2023 Publications

(50 publications)

  1. Yu S, Li M, Dubcovsky J, Tian L (2022). Mutant combinations of lycopene e-cyclase and b-carotene hydroxylase 2 homoeologs increased beta-carotene accumulation in endosperm of tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) grains. Plant Biotech. J. 20, 564–576.
  2. Zhang J, Nirmala J, Chen S, Jost M, Steuernagel B, Karafiatova M, Hewitt T, Li H, Edae E, Sharma K, Hoxha S, Bhatt D, Antoniou-Kourounioti R, Dodds P, Wulff BBH, Dolezel J, Ayliffe M, Hiebert C, McIntosh R, Dubcovsky J, Zhang P, Rouse MN, Lagudah E (2023) Single amino acid change alters specificity of the multi-allelic wheat stem rust resistance locus SR9. Nature Communications 14:7354. 
  3. Glenn P, Woods DP, Zhang J, Gabay G, Odle N, Dubcovsky J (2023) Wheat bZIPC1 interacts with FT2 and contributes to the regulation of spikelet number per spike. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 136:237. 
  4. Zhang J, Xiong H, Burguener GF, Vasquez-Gross H, Liu Q, Debernardi JM, Akhunova A, Garland-Campbell K, Kianian SF, Brown-Guedira G, Pozniak C, Faris JD, Akhunov E, Dubcovsky J (2023) Sequencing 4.3 million mutations in wheat promoters to understand and modify gene expression. Proceedings of the National Academy USA 120:e2306494120 
  5. Li H, Hua L, Zhao S, Hao M, Song R, Pang S, Liu Y, Chen H, Zhang W, Shen T, Gou J-Y, Mao H, Wang G, Hao X, J. L, Song B, C. L, Li Z, Wang Deng X, Dubcovsky J, Wang X, Chen S (2023) Cloning of the wheat leaf rust resistance gene Lr47 introgressed from Aegilops speltoides. Nature Communications:6072. 
  6. Bekkering CS, Yu S, Isaka NN, Sproul BW, Dubcovsky J, Tian L (2023) Genetic dissection of the roles of beta-hydroxylases in carotenoid metabolism, photosynthesis, and plant growth in tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum L.). Theor Appl Genet 136:8.
  7. Li H, Luo J, Zhang W, Hua L, Li K, Wang J, Xu B, Yang C, Wang G, Rouse MN, Dubcovsky J, Chen S (2023) High-resolution mapping of SrTm4, a recessive resistance gene to wheat stem rust. Theor. Appl. Genet. 136:120.
  8. Boden SA, McIntosh RA, Uauy C, Krattinger SG, Dubcovsky J, Rogers WJ, Xia XC, Badaeva ED, Bentley AR, Brown-Guedira G, Caccamo M, Cattivelli L, Chhuneja P, Cockram J, Contreras-Moreira B, Dreisigacker S, Edwards D, Gonzalez FG, Guzman C, Ikeda TM, Karsai I, Nasuda S, Pozniak C, Prins R, Sen TZ, Silva P, Simkova H, Zhang Y, Wheat I (2023) Updated guidelines for gene nomenclature in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 136:72
  9. Debernardi JM, Burguener G, Bubb K, Liu Q, Queitsch C, Dubcovsky J (2023) Optimization of ATAC-seq in wheat seedling roots using INTACT-isolated nuclei. BMC Plant Biology 23:270. 
  10. Zhang J, Li C, Zhang W, Zhang X, Mo Y, Tranquilli GE, Vanzetti LS, Dubcovsky J (2023) Wheat plant height locus RHT25 encodes a PLATZ transcription factor that interacts with DELLA (RHT1). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 120:e2300203120.
  11. Alvarez MA., Li C, Lin H, Joe A, Padilla M, Woods DP, Dubcovsky J. (2023). EARLY FLOWERING 3 interactions with PHYTOCHROME B and PHOTOPERIOD1 are critical for the photoperiodic regulation of wheat heading time. PLoS Genetics 19:e1010655.
  12. Gabay G, Wang HC, Zhang JL, Moriconi JI, Burguener GF, Gualano LD, Howell T, Lukaszewski A, Staskawicz B, Cho MJ, Tanaka J, Fahima T, Ke HY, Dehesh K, Zhang GL, Gou JY, Hamberg M, Santa-María GE, Dubcovsky J (2023) Dosage differences in 12-OXOPHYTODIENOATE REDUCTASE genes modulate wheat primary root growth. Nature Communications. 14:539.
  13. Chen Z, Debernardi JM, Dubcovsky J, Gallavotti A (2022). Recent advances in crop transformation technologies. Nature Plants. 8:1343–1351. 
  14. Zhang J, Debernardi JM, Burguener GF, Choulet F, Paux E, O'Connor L, Enk J, Dubcovsky J (2023) A second generation capture panel for cost-effective sequencing of genome regulatory regions in wheat and relatives. The Plant Genome. 16:e20296 
  15. Wong ML, Bruckner PL, Berg JE, Lamb PF, Hofland ML, Caron CG, Heo H-Y., Blake NK, Weaver DK, Cook JP (2023). Evaluation of wheat stem sawfly-resistant solid stem Qss.msub-3BL alleles in hard red winter wheat. Crop Science, 63, 556–567. 
  16. Bian R, Liu N, Xu Y, Su Z, Chai L, Bernardo A, St. Amand P, Fritz A, Zhang G, Rupp J, Akhunov E, Jordan KW, Bai G (2023) Quantitative trait loci for rolled leaf in a wheat EMS mutant from Jagger. Theor Appl Genet 136(3):52. 
  17. Chen J, Wheeler JJ, Marshall JM, Chen X, Windes S, Wilson C, Su M, Yimer B, Schroeder K, Jackson C (2023) Release of ‘UI Gold’ hard white spring wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 
  18. Crutcher FK, Lamb PF, Nash D, Fiedler JD, Eberly J, Kephart KD, McVay K, Torrion J, Beiermann CW, Vetch JM, Chen C, Holen D, Blake NK, Heo H-Y, Cook JP (2023) Registration of ‘MT Sidney’ hard red spring wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 17(2):368–375. 
  19. DeWitt N, Lyerly J, Guedira M, Holland JB, Murphy JP, Ward BP, Boyles RE, Mergoum M, Babar MA, Shakiba E, Sutton R, Ibrahim A, Tiwari V, Santantonio N, Van Sanford DA, Howell K, Smith JH, Harrison SA, Brown-Guedira G (2023) Bearded or smooth? Awns improve yield when wheat experiences heat stress during grain fill in the southeastern United States. Journal of Experimental Botany. 74(21):6749-6759. 
  20. Dixon L, Bellinger B, Carter AH (2023) A gravimetric method to monitor transpiration under water stress conditions in wheat. The Plant Phenome Journal 6(1):e20078. 
  21. Dogan M, Wang Z, Cerit M, Valenzuela-Antelo JL, Dhakal S, Chu C, Xue Q, Ibrahim AMH, Rudd JC, Bernardo A, St. Amand P, Bai G, Zhang H, Liu S (2023) QTL Analysis of Yield and End-Use Quality Traits in Texas Hard Red Winter Wheat. Agronomy 13(3):689. 
  22. Garst N, Belamkar V, Easterly A, Guttieri MJ, Stoll H, Ibrahim AMH, Baenziger PS (2023) Evaluation of pollination traits important for hybrid wheat development in Great Plains germplasm. Crop Science 63(3):1169–1182. 
  23. Gill HS, Brar N, Halder J, Hall C, Seabourn BW, Chen YR, St. Amand P, Bernardo A, Bai G, Glover K, Turnipseed B, Sehgal SK (2023) Multi-trait genomic selection improves the prediction accuracy of end-use quality traits in hard winter wheat. The Plant Genome:e20331. 
  24. Guttieri MJ, Bowden RL, Zhang G, Haley S, Frels K, Hein GL, Jordan KW (2023) Agronomic and quality impact of a shortened translocation for wheat streak mosaic virus resistance. Crop Science 63(2):622–634. 
  25. Halder J, Gill HS, Zhang J, Altameemi R, Olson E, Turnipseed B, Sehgal SK (2023) Genome-wide association analysis of spike and kernel traits in the U.S. hard winter wheat. The Plant Genome 16(1):e20300. 
  26. Hammers M, Winn ZJ, Ben-Hur A, Larkin D, Murry J, Mason RE (2023) Phenotyping and predicting wheat spike characteristics using image analysis and machine learning. The Plant Phenome Journal 6(1):e20087. 
  27. Herr AW, Adak A, Carroll ME, Elango D, Kar S, Li C, Jones SE, Carter AH, Murray SC, Paterson A, Sankaran S, Singh A, Singh AK (2023) Unoccupied aerial systems imagery for phenotyping in cotton, maize, soybean, and wheat breeding. Crop Science 63(4):1722–1749. 
  28. Herr AW, Carter AH (2023) Remote sensing continuity: a comparison of HTP platforms and potential challenges with field applications. Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1233892. 
  29. Kaur S, Gill HS, Breiland M, Kolmer JA, Gupta R, Sehgal SK, Gill U (2023) Identification of leaf rust resistance loci in a geographically diverse panel of wheat using genome-wide association analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1090163. 
  30. Liu Z, Li Y, Bernardo A, Amand PSt, Zhang P, Sehgal S, Bai G (2023) Development of diagnostic SNP markers for identification of rye 1RS translocations in wheat. Crop Science 63(1):255–265. 
  31. Merrick LF, Burke AB, Zhang Z, Carter AH (2022) Comparison of single-trait and multi-trait genome-wide association models and inclusion of correlated traits in the dissection of the genetic architecture of a complex trait in a breeding program. Frontiers in Plant Science 12. 
  32. Merrick LF, Herr AW, Sandhu KS, Lozada DN, Carter AH (2022) Optimizing plant breeding programs for genomic selection. Agronomy 12(3):714. 
  33. Merrick LF, Herr AW, Sandhu KS, Lozada DN, Carter AH (2022) Utilizing genomic selection for wheat population development and improvement. Agronomy 12(2):522. 
  34. Merrick LF, Lozada DN, Chen X, Carter AH (2022) Classification and regression models for genomic selection of skewed phenotypes:A case for disease resistance in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Genetics 13:835781. 
  35. Montesinos-López OA, Herr AW, Crossa J, Carter AH (2023) Genomics combined with UAS data enhances prediction of grain yield in winter wheat. Frontiers in Genetics 14. 
  36. Mustahsan W, Guttieri MJ, Bowden RL, Garland-Campbell K, Jordan K, Bai G, Zhang G (2023) Mapping the quantitative field resistance to stripe rust in a hard winter wheat population “Overley” × “Overland.” Crop Science 63(4):2050–2066. 
  37. Peters Haugrud AR, Sharma JS, Zhang Q, Green AJ, Xu SS, Faris JD (2023) Identification of robust yield quantitative trait loci derived from cultivated emmer for durum wheat improvement. The Plant Genome:e20398. 
  38. Wang H, Bernardo A, St. Amand P, Bai G, Bowden RL, Guttieri MJ, Jordan KW (2023) Skim exome capture genotyping in wheat. The Plant Genome:e20381. 
  39. Winn ZJ, Amsberry AL, Haley SD, DeWitt ND, Mason RE (2023) Phenomic versus genomic prediction-A comparison of prediction accuracies for grain yield in hard winter wheat lines. The Plant Phenome Journal 6(1):e20084. 
  40. Winn ZJ, Larkin DL, Lozada DN, DeWitt N, Brown-Guedira G, Mason RE (2023) Multivariate genomic selection models improve prediction accuracy of agronomic traits in soft red winter wheat. Crop Science 63(4):2115–2130. 
  41. Winn ZJ, Lyerly JH, Brown-Guedira G, Murphy JP, Mason RE (2023) Utilization of a publicly available diversity panel in genomic prediction of Fusarium head blight resistance traits in wheat. The Plant Genome 16(3):e20353. 
  42. Wold-McGimsey F, Krosch C, Alarcón-Reverte R, Ravet K, Katz A, Stromberger J, Mason RE, Pearce S (2023) Multi-target genome editing reduces polyphenol oxidase activity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grains. Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1247680. 
  43. Wu J, Jia H, Qiao L, Fu B, Brown-Guedira G, Nagarajan R, Yan L (2023) Genetic basis of resistance against powdery mildew in the wheat cultivar “Tabasco”. Mol Breeding 43(7):56. 
  44. Xu Y, Li Y, Bian R, Zhang G, Fritz AK, Dong Y, Zhao L, Xu Y, Ghori N, Bernardo A, St. Amand P, Rupp JLS, Bruce M, Wang W, Akhunov E, Carver B, Bai G (2023) Genetic architecture of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for FHB resistance and agronomic traits in a hard winter wheat population. The Crop Journal 11(6):1836-1845.
  45. Rebollo I, Aguilar I, Pérez de Vida F, Molina F, Gutiérrez L, Rosas JE (2023) Genotype by environment interaction characterization and its modeling with random regression to climatic variables in two rice breeding populations. Crop Science 63(4):2220–2240. 
  46. Bhandari M, Chang A, Jung J, Ibrahim AM, Rudd JC, Baker S, Landivar J, Liu S, Landivar J (2023) Unmanned aerial system‐based high‐throughput phenotyping for plant breeding. The Plant Phenome Journal 6:e20058. 
  47. Cerit M, Wang Z, Dogan M, Yu S, Valenzuela-Antelo JL, Chu C, Wang S, Xue Q, Ibrahim AMH, Rudd JC, Metz R, Johnson CD, Liu S (2023) Mapping QTL for Yield and Its Component Traits Using Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) RIL Mapping Population from TAM 113 x Gallagher. Agronomy 13:2402. 
  48. Wang Z, Dhakal S, Cerit M, Wang S, Rauf Y, Yu S, Maulana F, Huang W, Anderson JD, Ma X-F, Rudd JC, Ibrahim AMH, Xue Q, Hays DB, Bernardo A, St. Amand P, Bai G, Baker J, Baker S, Liu S (2022) QTL mapping of yield components and kernel traits in wheat cultivars TAM 112 and Duster. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:105701. 
  49. Rooney TE, Sweeney DW, Kunze KH, Sorrells ME, Walling JG (2023) Malting quality and preharvest sprouting traits are genetically correlated in spring malting barley. Theor Appl Genet 136(3):59. 
  50. Jordan KW, Fernandez-de Soto M, Korol A, Akhunova A, Akhunov E (2023). Allelic variation in the wheat homolog of topoisomerase II is associated with crossover rate. BioRxiv, 

2024 Publications

(28 publications)

  1. Zhang, J.,  G.F. Burguener, F. Paraiso, J. Dubcovsky. 2024. Natural alleles of LEAFY and WAPO1 interact to regulate spikelet number per spike in wheat. bioRxiv accepted in Theoretical and Applied Genetics.
  2. Zhang, C., Hegarty J., Padilla M., D.M. Tricoli D.M, Dubcovsky J.*, Debernardi J.M.*. 2024. Manipulation of the microRNA172 - AP2L2 interaction provides precise control of wheat and triticale plant height. bioRxiv *Co-senior and corresponding author. Accepted in Plant Biotechnology Journal. 
  3. Rottersman, M.G., W. Zhang, J. Zhang, G. Grigorian, G.F. Burguener, Carter C., T. Vang, J. Hegarty, X. Zhang, and J. Dubcovsky. (2024). Deletion of wheat alpha-gliadins from chromosome 6D improves gluten strength and reduces immunodominant celiac disease epitopes. bioRxiv.
  4. Paraiso F., H. Lin, C. Li, D.P. Woods, T. Lan, C. Tumelty, J.M. Debernardi, A. Joe, J. Dubcovsky (2024) LEAFY and WAPO1 jointly regulate spikelet number per spike and floret development in wheat. Development 151:dev202803. bioRxiv in previous report).
  5. Li, C., H. Lin, J.M. Debernardi, C. Zhong, and J. Dubcovsky. 2024. GIGANTEA accelerates wheat heading time through gene interactions converging on FLOWERING LOCUS T1. The Plant Journal. 118, 519–533.
  6. Winn, Z.J., E. Hudson-Arns, M. Hammers, N. DeWitt, J. Lyerly, G. Bai, P. St. Amand, P. Nachappa, S. Haley, R.E. Mason. 2024. HaploCatcher: An R package for prediction of haplotypes. The Plant Genome 17:e20412.
  7. Wondifraw, M., Z.J. Winn, S.D. Haley, J.A. Stromberger, E.E. Hudson-Arns, R.E. Mason. 2024. Advancing water absorption capacity in hard winter wheat using a multivariate genomic prediction approach. Crop Science. In press:
  8. Wondifraw, M.A., Z.J. Winn, S.D. Haley, J.A. Stromberger, E.E., R.E. Mason (2024) Elucidation of the genetic architecture of water absorption capacity in hard winter wheat through genome wide association study. The Plant Genome 17:e20500.
  9. Joshi P, G.S. Dhillon, Y. Gao, A. Kaur, J. Wheeler, and J. Chen. 2024. An optimal model to improve genomic prediction for protein content and test weight in a diverse spring wheat panel. Agriculture, 14:347.
  10. Zhao, L., A. Bernardo, F. Kong, W. Zhao, Y. Dong, H. Lee, H.N. Trick, J. Rupp Noller, G Bai. 2024. A glutathione S-transferase from Thinopyrum ponticum confers Fhb7 resistance to Fusarium head blight in wheat. Phytopathology 114 (7): 1458-1461 
  11. Kumar, P., H.S. Gill, M. Singh, K. Kaur, D. Koupal, S. Talukder, A. Bernardo, P. St Amand, G. Bai, S.K. Sehgal. 2024. Characterization of flag leaf morphology identifies a major genomic region controlling flag leaf angle in the US winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor Appl Genet 137 (205): 1-17
  12. Zhao, L., Y. Lu, X. Zhang, W. Zhao, X. Xu, H. Wang, G. Zhang, A.K. Fritz, J. Fellers, M. Guttieri, K.W. Jordan, G. Bai. 2024. Characterization of quantitative trait loci for leaf rust resistance from CI 13227 in three winter wheat populations. Phytopathology (First Look).
  13. Kaushal, S., H.S. Gill, M.M. Billah, S.N. Khan, J. Halder, A. Bernardo, P.S. Amand, G. Bai, K. Glover, M. Maimaitijiang, S.K Sehgal. 2024. Enhancing the potential of phenomic and genomic prediction in winter wheat breeding using high-throughput phenotyping and deep learning. Front Plant Sci 15, 1410249.
  14. Xu, Y., N. Ghori, S. Hussain, X. Xu, Z. Su, D. Zhang, L. Zhao, X. Liu, M.S. Chen, G.H. Bai. 2024. Evaluating a worldwide wheat collection for resistance to Hessian fly biotype ‘Great Plains’. Front Plant Sci 15, 1402218,
  15. Wang, W., Q. Pan, B. Tian, D. Davidson, G. Bai, A. Akhunova, H.N. Trick, E. Akhunov. 2024. Non-additive dosage-dependent effects of TaGS3 gene editing on grain size and weight in wheat. bioRxiv,
  16. Zhang, F., H. Zhang, J. Liu, X. Ren, Y. Ding, F. Sun, Z. Zhu, X. He, Y. Zhou, G. Bai, Z. Ni, Q. Sun, Z Su. 2024. Fhb9, a major QTL for Fusarium head blight resistance improvement in wheat. J Integr Agric.    
  17. Nyine M, Davidson D, Adhikari E, Clinesmith M, Wang H, Akhunova A, Fritz A, Akhunov E. Ecogeographic signals of local adaptation in a wild relative help to identify variants associated with improved wheat performance under drought stress. BioRxiv, 2024 doi: (accepted to Genome Biology).
  18. Coombes B, Lux T, Akhunov E, Hall A. Introgressions lead to reference bias in wheat RNA-Seq analysis. BMC Biology. 2024, 22:56. (in bioRxiv in previous report). 
  19. Xu Y, Li Y, Bian R, Zhang G, Fritz AK, Dong Y, Zhao L, Xu Y, Ghori N, Bernardo A, Amand P, Rupp JLS, Bruce M, Wang W, Akhunov E, Carver B, Bai B. Genetic architecture of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for FHB resistance and agronomic traits in a hard winter wheat population. Crop Journal, 2023, 11 (6), 1836-1845. (online 1st on previous report).
  20. Concepcion JS, Noble AD, Thompson AM, Dong Y, Olson EL (2024) Genomic regions influencing the hyperspectral phenome of deoxynivalenol infected wheat. Sci Rep. 14: 19340.
  21. Anderson JA, Wiersma JJ, Reynolds SK, Conley EJ, Stuart N, Caspers R, Kolmer JA, Rouse MN, Jin Y, Dill-Macky R, Smith MJ, Dykes L (2024) Registration of 'MN-Torgy' spring wheat with moderate resistance to Fusarium head blight and adult plant resistance to Ug99 stem rust. Journal of Plant Registrations 18:122-133.
  22. Rivera-Burgos L, VanGessel C, Guedira M, Smith J, Marshall D, Jin Y, Rouse M, Brown-Guedira G (2024) Fine mapping of stem rust resistance derived from soft red winter wheat cultivar AGS2000 to an NLR gene cluster on chromosome 6D. Theor Appl Genet 137, 206 (2024).
  23. Li H., W. Men,  C. Ma, Q. Liu, Z. Dong, X. Tian, C. Wang, C. Liu, H.S. Gill, P. Ma, Z. Zhang, B. Liu, Y. Zhao, S.K. Sehgal, W. Liu W. 2024. Wheat powdery mildew resistance gene Pm13 encodes a mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein. Nature Communications 15:2449 
  24. Thapa, S., H.S. Gill, J. Halder, A. Rana, S. Ali, M. Maimaitijiang, U. Gill, A. Bernardo, P. St. Amand, G. Bai, S.K Sehgal. 2024. Integrating genomics, phenomics, and deep learning improves the predictive ability for Fusarium head blight–related traits in winter wheat. The Plant Genome:e20470
  25. Zhao ,Y., Z. Dong, J. Miao, Q. Liu, C. Ma, X. Tian, J. He, H. Bi, W. Yao, T. Li, H. Gill, Z. Zhang, A. Cao, B. Liu, H. Li, S.K. Sehgal, W. Liu. 2024. Pm57 from Aegilops searsii encodes a tandem kinase protein and confers wheat powdery mildew resistance. Nature Communications 15:4796 
  26. Sangjan, W., A.H. Carter, M.O. Pumphrey, K. Hagemeyer, V. Jitkov, S. Sankaran. 2024 Effect of high-resolution satellite and UAV imagery plot pixel resolution in wheat crop yield prediction. Int J Remote Sens 45:1678-1698.
  27. Herr, A.W., P. Schmuker, A.H. Carter. 2024. Large-scale breeding applications of UAS enabled genomic prediction. Plant Phenome J 7:e20101
  28. Montesinos-Lopez, O.A., A.W. Herr, A. Montesinos-Lopez, J. Crossa, A.H. Carter. 2024. Enhancing winter wheat prediction with genomics, phenomics, and environmental data. BMC Genomics 25:544