The TriticeaeCAP Calendar

Upcoming events


  • January 9-13, 2016. International Plant & Animal Genome XXIV – San Diego, CA, USA
  • June 26-30, 2016. 12th International Barley Genetics Symposium – Minneapolis, MN, USA


  • July 26-30, 2015. American Society of Plant Biologists – Minneapolis, MN
  • August 1-5 2015.  American Phhytopathological Society – Pasadena, CA
  • November 15-18, 2015. American Society of Agronomy/Crop Science Society of America/Soil Science Society of America/ Entomological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN,
  • US Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative meeting for 2015.

Past events



  • December 7-9, 2014.  National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, USWBSI, St. Louis, MO.
  • Nov. 2-5, 2014.  ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meeting, “Grand Challenges – Great Solutions,” Long Beach, CA
  • January 12, TCAP Annual Meeting, TCAP meeting on January 12, 2014 from 8 am – 7 pm in San Diego at the Town  and Country Convention Center (Windsor room for the meeting and the Hampton Room for a poster session/reception)




  • November 30: Submit continuation grant for 2nd year funding
  • November 20: Answers compiled and final report is prepared.
  • November 10: reports from the Scientific Advisory Board and the Industry Liaison Committee received and compiled. Questions send to coPIs.
  • October 25: reports from coPIs are compiled and sent to the Scientific Advisory Board and the Industry Liaison Committee for feedback.
  • October 16-19: San Antonio TX: American Society of Agronomy Meeting (G. Muehlbauer).
  • October 15: Deadline for reports for year one for individual program.
  • June 15: Coordination meeting with UK parallel project (J. Dubcovsky).
  • June 6-8: Presentation at the North American Barley Researchers Workshop in Corvalis, OR. (G. Muehlbauer).
  • May 22-24:: Texas A&M, National Association of Plant Breeders – Presentation of T-CAP at the Breeding for climate change symposium.
  • May 12: Presentation of the T-CAP project at the National Association of Wheat Growers meeting in KS (C. Sneller).
  • April 2011: RFP for MSI student collaboration released. Proposals due May 15th. Funding
    decisions made by June 15th. More information
  • April 8: Denver, CO, training workshop on Canopy Spectral Reflectance. [visit the forum]
  • March 4: Chicago MSI focus group meeting. [minutes abstract]
  • February 25: Evaluation and planning meetings for the education and executive committees.
  • February 17: T3 user group begins weekly conference calls. T3 user group will adopt Adobe Connect on Feb 24, 2011 for future communications.
  • February 15: Presentation of the T-CAP project at the Wheat Quality Council meeting in Kansas City, MO held form February 15 to 17 (S. Baenziger).
  • February 11: Experimental design committee (Mark Sorrells, Stephen Baenziger, Kent Eskridge, and Kevin Smith) is formed with the charge to evaluate field plans, ensure the same checks are used, and prepare formatted spreadsheets for each field trial.
  • February 10: Presentation of the T-CAP project at the PNW Wheat Quality Council (M. Pumphrey).
  • February 1: T-CAP start date.
  • January 26:Industry Liaison Committee Conference Call. Participants: Claire Cajacob, Edward Souza, Gary Hanning, Gary Muehlbauer, Jane DeMarchi, Janice Cooper, Jay Romsa, Jorge Dubcovsky, Kelly Olson, Marv. Zutz, Mike Davis, and Sherri Lehman. The following recommendations emerged from this conference call:* Coordination of press releases for the grant and distribution lists of information
    * Utilization of common estimates on return to investment in agricultural research:
    * Preparation of a one page summary for industry (completed)
    * Preparation of a power point presentation for the project (posted in T-CAP web site)
    * Generate a portfolio of stories concerning agricultural research accomplishments from the CAP grant and distribute them.
  • January 12: T-CAP award announcement and press release.
  • January 16: T-CAP kickoff meeting at Plant and Animal Genome.